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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

European Institute of Maritime and Transport Law

EIMTL 1993 Antwerp Belgium N j XN5105

European Inter-Voices Choir

Zele Belgium N XQ2928

European Milk and Juice Carton Producers Association - Belgium

EMC Dilbeek Belgium N XD3467

European Police Association

EPA 1996 Rebecq Belgium N XN8595

European School of Laparoscopic Surgery

ESLS Brussels Belgium N XM0144

European Sephardic Institute

1994 Brussels Belgium N j XN4306

Europees Studie- en Informatie Centrum, Antwerpen

ESIC 1963 Antwerp Belgium N XN2748

Fédération européenne d'herboristerie

FEH Vielsalm Belgium N XN6759

Flanders Technology International Foundation

FTI Foundation 1988 Mechelen Belgium N f XN6093

Fondation Auschwitz - Centre d'études et de documentation

1980 Brussels Belgium N f XN4000

Fondation bell'arte

1994 Braine-l'Alleud Belgium N f XN7012

Fondation pour l'apprentissage des langues de l'Union européenne

Fondation 9 1990 Brussels Belgium N f XN1772

Friends of the Joe Dassin International Fan Club

1981 Charleroi Belgium N XN1395

Generation Europe

1995 Brussels Belgium N XN4282


Brussels Belgium N c XN5474

Happy Dolphins Encounters

HdiE 2000 Braine-l'Alleud Belgium N XN1973

Immouzzer Lions International Foundation

Immouzzer Foundation Brussels Belgium N f XN7401

Institut d'études juridiques européennes Fernand Dehousse

Liège Belgium N j XN2352

Institut européen d'arbitrage et de conciliation

IEAC 1998 Charleroi Belgium N j XN9744

Institute for European Studies, Brussels

IES 2001 Brussels Belgium N j XJ3481

Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy

IRCP 1992 Ghent Belgium N j XG9700

International Academy for Marital Spirituality

INTAMS 1994 St-Genesius-Rode Belgium N XJ3356

International Centre of Oriental Dance Art and Culture

ICODAC 2002 Brussels Belgium N XQ2856

International Fair and Congress Services

IFAS Ghent Belgium N XN9628

International Ministries of Diaconie Locale

IMDILOC Clabecq Belgium N XN5239


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