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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Wetlands International

1995 Wageningen Netherlands B XB0004

International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology

ISMET 2011 Wageningen Netherlands C XJ9462

Association for Tree-Ring Research

ATR 2002 Wageningen Netherlands D XJ6253

European Association of Agricultural Economists

EAAE 1975 Wageningen Netherlands D v XD4654

European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics

EurSafe 2000 Wageningen Netherlands D XD8331

International Society for Microbial Ecology

ISME 1998 Wageningen Netherlands D XD7922

European Drought Centre

EDC 2004 Wageningen Netherlands E v XM0926

European Federation of Food Science and Technology

EFFoST 1984 Wageningen Netherlands E XE0424

European Library Automation Group

ELAG 1979 Wageningen Netherlands E v XE0547

European Nutrigenomics Organisation

NuGO 2004 Wageningen Netherlands E XM0359

ISRIC - World Soil Information

1966 Wageningen Netherlands E XF0893

IUCN WCPA Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas

CSVPA 1998 Wageningen Netherlands E XJ1587

Butterfly Conservation Europe

BCE 2004 Wageningen Netherlands F XM5978

European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development

EFARD 1997 Wageningen Netherlands F XF5965

European Foundation for Plant Pathology

EFPP 1990 Wageningen Netherlands F f XF5320

European Tropical Forest Research Network

ETFRN 1991 Wageningen Netherlands F y XF3719

European Wood Preservative Manufacturers Group

EWPM 1977 Wageningen Netherlands F y XF2223


Wageningen Netherlands F XM7898

Survey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly

SENECA 1987 Wageningen Netherlands F XF3400

International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture

ICRA 1981 Wageningen Netherlands G XG6087

Leo Foundation

2008 Wageningen Netherlands G f AA5267

Plant Research International

PRI Wageningen Netherlands G XG9070

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences

Wageningen Netherlands G XN3212

Vereniging Tropische Bossen

VTB 1981 Wageningen Netherlands G XN5250

Vineyard Benelux

Wageningen Netherlands G XJ3625


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