This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Migrant Forum in Asia

MFA 1994 Quezon City Philippines F XF5774

NGO Forum on ADB

1991 Quezon City Philippines F y XJ4694

Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme for South and Southeast Asia

NTFP-EN 1998 Quezon City Philippines F XJ7125

Radio Veritas Asia

1969 Quezon City Philippines F v XF4999

Regional Council on Human Rights in Asia

1982 Quezon City Philippines F v XD0040

Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program Foundation

SEASREP Foundation 1994 Quezon City Philippines F f XD7291

The Reality Of Aid

ROA Quezon City Philippines F y XM1990

Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights

WGNRR 1978 Quezon City Philippines F XF0198

Asia Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation

APPFI Quezon City Philippines G AA1150

Asian Centre, University of the Philippines

1968 Quezon City Philippines G XN6423

Asian Theological Seminary, Metro Manila

ATS 1969 Quezon City Philippines G XN9637

Association for the Rights of Children in Southeast Asia

ARCSEA 2001 Quezon City Philippines G AA3610

Freedom from Debt Coalition

FDC 1988 Quezon City Philippines G XG1941

Gaston Z Ortigas Peace Institute

GZO-PI 1991 Quezon City Philippines G j XG6660

Global Network of Women in Politics

GLOBALNET 1995 Quezon City Philippines G XG5264

Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, Quezon City

ISDS 1991 Quezon City Philippines G j XG1881

Institute of International Legal Studies, Quezon City

IILS 1989 Quezon City Philippines G j XG8092

Peace Library and Research Centre

1991 Quezon City Philippines G XN4324

Scalabrini Migration Centre, Manila

SMC 1987 Quezon City Philippines G XG6993

Asia Pacific Federation of Critical Care Nurses

APFCCN 2003 Quezon City Philippines H x XJ4393

Asian Council for People's Culture

ACPC 1985 Quezon City Philippines H x XD0490

Southeast Asian Futuristics Educators Association

SEAFEA 1997 Quezon City Philippines H x XD6264

Esports World Federation

ESWF 2018 Quezon City Philippines J AA2103

Health Action Information Network

HAIN 1985 Quezon City Philippines N XN2218

Institute of Islamic Studies, Quézon City

IIS UP 1973 Quezon City Philippines N j XG2424


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