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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Centre for Studies in Religious Education

LUMEN VITAE 1935 Namur Belgium E XC1477

International Institute of Catechetics and Pastoral Studies

Namur Belgium E j XE2469

Réseau international d'écoles doctorales en sociologie/sciences sociales

RéDoc Namur Belgium E XJ1867


1992 Namur Belgium F XF5281

Fondation universitaire pour la coopération internationale au développement

FUCID 1976 Namur Belgium G f XG1276

Institut Destrée

1938 Namur Belgium G j XJ2910

International Centre for Choral Music

ICCM 1989 Namur Belgium G XG0270


NEW 1988 Namur Belgium G XN5666

University of Peace, Namur

1960 Namur Belgium G XG7769

Association européenne russophone

AER Namur Belgium N XN9810

Centre européen du travail

CET 1983 Namur Belgium N XN9128

Cultura Europa

CE 1982 Namur Belgium N XJ3588

Soeurs de la Charité de Namur

1732 Namur Belgium R XR0181

Soeurs de la Providence et de l'Immaculée Conception

Namur Belgium R XR0322

Alternative - Europe

Namur Belgium U x XN6972

Association pour la promotion et de le développement des cultures

APC Namur Belgium U x XG8494

Centre international de la poésie, Namur

CIP 1985 Namur Belgium U x XN1723

Euro Glass Club

EGC Namur Belgium U x XN4830

European Forum of Telecommunications

1986 Namur Belgium U x XF0841


Namur Belgium U x XN3824

Horizon Tiers-monde, Namur

Namur Belgium U x XN7091

Institut de documentation et d'études européennes

IDEE 1978 Namur Belgium U jx XG7150

Institut européen d'enseignement technique supérieur

Namur Belgium U js XU2421

Promotion - Culture - International

Namur Belgium U x XN4606

Réseau droits de l'homme - droits des peuples

Namur Belgium U x XG3249


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