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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute of Development Studies, Harare

IDS 1984 Harare Zimbabwe G j XG8602

Women's University in Africa

WUA 2002 Harare Zimbabwe G XM5513

Worldwide Family of God Churches

Harare Zimbabwe G XM2082

African Association for Distance Education

AADE 1973 Harare Zimbabwe H x XD4475

African Federation for Technology in Health Care

AFTH 1993 Harare Zimbabwe H x XD9138

Association of Southern African States

ASAS Harare Zimbabwe H dg XF0206

Federation of African Media Women

FAMW 1981 Harare Zimbabwe H x XD1583

Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization

SARPCCO 1997 Harare Zimbabwe H dg XD6169

Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition

KP Civil Society Coalition Harare Zimbabwe J AA4207

Federation for Associations Connected to the International Humana People to People Movement

1991 Harare Zimbabwe K XF4212

Patent Documentation and Information Centre

PADIC 1978 Harare Zimbabwe K g XF0605

African Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology

AIBST 2002 Harare Zimbabwe N j XQ2941

Africa Information Afrique

AIA 1987 Harare Zimbabwe U x XF1524

African Development Education Network

ADEN 1990 Harare Zimbabwe U x XF2523

African Drug Regulatory Authorities

AFDRAN 1994 Harare Zimbabwe U x XF4813

African Script Development Fund

ASDF 1998 Harare Zimbabwe U fx XG8776

Aquatic Resource Management Programme for Local Community

ALCOM 1986 Harare Zimbabwe U x XF1291

Central African Building Society

CABS Harare Zimbabwe U x XN7484

Central African Zionist Organization

Harare Zimbabwe U x XE7596

Commonwealth Association of Zimbabwe and Frontline States

1991 Harare Zimbabwe U x XG4390

Farm Information Network of East and Southern Africa

FINESA Harare Zimbabwe U x XF4492

International Resource Network of Women of African Descent

IRNWAD 1982 Harare Zimbabwe U x XN5655

New Africa International Foundation

Harare Zimbabwe U fx XN7433

Participatory Development Resource Centre for Africa

PDRCA Harare Zimbabwe U x XG2554

SADC Regional and National Early Warning System

Harare Zimbabwe U gx XK0995


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