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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Commission mixte prévue par l'Accord sur les transports routiers entre le Benelux et les Etats baltes

Brussels Belgium H gx XE2236

Confédération mondiale des experts-comptables sans frontières

1999 Brussels Belgium H x XD9114

Conseil européen des constructeurs de cuisine

CECODEC Brussels Belgium H x XD5261

Council of Muslim Cooperation in Europe

1996 Brussels Belgium H x XD9453

Energy Drinks Europe

EDE 2010 Brussels Belgium H xt XM6911

Energy Peat Europe

EPE 2016 Brussels Belgium H x XM5469

Euro Synergy Network

1990 Brussels Belgium H d XF3121

European Association for the Defence of Human Rights

AEDH 2000 Brussels Belgium H xy XD8755

European Association of Fashion Retailers

AEDT 1958 Brussels Belgium H d XD0574

European Association of Pension Schemes for Liberal Professions

EurelPro 2008 Brussels Belgium H dt XJ7624

European Association on Catalysis

Eurocat 1975 Brussels Belgium H x XD6154

European Automotive Trim Suppliers

EATS 1997 Brussels Belgium H d XD5952

European Centre for Research in Asia, Africa and Latin America

ECRAAL 2010 Brussels Belgium H x XJ4791

European Collectors and Modellers Association

ECMA 1981 Brussels Belgium H x XD0174

European Decorative and Stationery Plastics Foils Association

EDEFA 1993 Brussels Belgium H d XD3665

European Dessert Mixes Manufacturers' Association

EDMMA 1982 Brussels Belgium H x XD0668

European Federation for the Disappearance of Prostitution

1992 Brussels Belgium H x XD4641

European Federation for the Education of the Children of the Occupational Travellers

EFECOT 1988 Brussels Belgium H dty XD2095

European Federation of Parquet Importers

EFPI 2005 Brussels Belgium H xy XJ1109

European Fire and Security Advisory Council

EFSAC 1990 Brussels Belgium H dy XD4494

European Fur Breeders Association

EFBA 1968 Brussels Belgium H d XD8479

European GeoMembranes Association

EGMA Brussels Belgium H d XM0253

European Local Authorities Telematic Network

ELANET 1996 Brussels Belgium H x XD8512

European Medical Imaging Film Manufacturers

EMIFMA Brussels Belgium H x XD6568

European Metal Packaging

EMPAC 2006 Brussels Belgium H dy XM3391


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