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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID


2005 Brussels Belgium D XJ1182

CIRFS - European Man-made Fibres Association

1950 Brussels Belgium D XC2400

CIUS - European Sugar Users

1995 Brussels Belgium D yt XM0621

CLIA Europe

Brussels Belgium D t XJ4685

Climate Positive Europe Alliance

CPEA Brussels Belgium D y AA3024

CO2 Value Europe

CVE 2017 Brussels Belgium D XM8500

Coalition of European Lobbies on Eastern African Pastoralism

CELEP 2009 Brussels Belgium D y XM4997

COGEN Europe

1993 Brussels Belgium D yt XF4040

Comité européen de normalisation

CEN 1961 Brussels Belgium D y XD0631

Comité européen des constructeurs d'instruments de pesage

CECIP 1959 Brussels Belgium D t XD0657

Commission Intersyndicale des Déshydrateurs Européens

CIDE 1959 Brussels Belgium D t XD0790

Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union

COMECE 1980 Brussels Belgium D XD8980

Committee for European Construction Equipment

CECE Brussels Belgium D t XD0290

Confédération Européenne de l'Industrie de la Chaussure

CEC 1958 Brussels Belgium D t XD2909

Confédération européenne des industries du bois

CEI Bois 1952 Brussels Belgium D yt XD0693

Confédération européenne des ong d'urgence et de développement

CONCORD 2003 Brussels Belgium D y XD9230

Confédération interalliée des officiers de réserve

CIOR 1948 Brussels Belgium D y XC0105

Confederation of European Computer User Associations

CECUA 1978 Brussels Belgium D XD8150

Confederation of European Paper Industries

Cepi 1992 Brussels Belgium D yt XD2872

Confederation of European Security Services

CoESS 1989 Brussels Belgium D y XD9477

Confederation of Organizations in Road Transport Enforcement

CORTE 2004 Brussels Belgium D y XM0367

Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry

CONEBI 2014 Brussels Belgium D t XM4370

Conférence Européenne des directeurs des routes

CEDR 2003 Brussels Belgium D XD5431

Connect Europe

1992 Brussels Belgium D t XD3382

Conseil européen de l'industrie chimique

CEFIC 1972 Brussels Belgium D yt XD0615


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