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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institut européen des relations internationales

Brussels Belgium U jx XN8352

Institut européen des relations publiques, Bruxelles

INEREP Brussels Belgium U jx XG0733

Institut international de psychoanalyse, Bruxelles

Brussels Belgium U jx XN2719

Institut international de recherche en thérapeutique informationnelle

IRTI Brussels Belgium U jx XN7796

Institut international de symbolisation - Europe

IISE Brussels Belgium U jx XG1562

Institut internationale de recherches et de formation

IIRF 1981 Brussels Belgium U jx XF0156

Institut méditerranéen d'organisation culturelle et d'échanges nord - sud-est

I'MOCENSE Brussels Belgium U jx XN9629

Institut supérieur de tourisme international et de culture

ISTIC Brussels Belgium U jx XN3661

Institute for Applied Psychology

IAP 1993 Brussels Belgium U jx XN6142

Institute for International Assistance and Solidarity

IFIAS Brussels 1982 Brussels Belgium U dj XE2947

Institute of Diplomatic Relations

1974 Brussels Belgium U jx XG3814

Instituut voor Europese Vorming

1978 Brussels Belgium U jx XG7508

Integrated Programme in Favour of SMEs and the Craft Sector

CRAFT 1994 Brussels Belgium U gx XK0887

Integrated Waste Management Network

IWMN Brussels Belgium U x XF3989

Intercontinental Equestrian Adventures

Brussels Belgium U x XN3367

International 45 Footer Class Association

Brussels Belgium U x XE2116

International Active Women Association

IAWA Brussels Belgium U x XN1714

International Association for Semiotics of Performing Arts

IASPA 1981 Brussels Belgium U x XN4041

International Association for the Protection of the Common Interests of the European Union, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

PROGRESS Brussels Belgium U x XQ0333

International Association for Third World Development

AIDT 1988 Brussels Belgium U x XG0832

International Author and Inventor Association

IAIA Brussels Belgium U x XN8345

International Biotechnology Forum

IBF Brussels Belgium U x XF5123

International Bureau for Solidarity with DEP

Brussels Belgium U x XN7174

International Bureau on Research and Development of the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine

GCCU-IB Brussels Belgium U x XE3688

International Centre for Caspian Studies

Brussels Belgium U x XN1932


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