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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Benelux Convention on a Uniform Law Concerning Progressive Penalties for Non-compliance

1973 Brussels Belgium T g XT7318

Benelux Convention on Co-decedents

1972 Brussels Belgium T g XT7280

Benelux Convention on Designs or Models

1966 Brussels Belgium T g XT6601

Benelux Convention on Mandatory Civil Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles

1966 Brussels Belgium T g XT7680

Benelux Convention on Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection

1982 Brussels Belgium T g XT8221

Benelux Convention on the Hunting and Protection of Birds

1970 Brussels Belgium T g XT7013

Benelux Convention on Trade Marks

1962 Brussels Belgium T g XT6206

Benelux Treaty on Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Penal Matters

1962 Brussels Belgium T g XT6280

Benelux Treaty on the Execution of Legal Decisions in Penal Matters

1968 Brussels Belgium T g XT6880

Convention Benelux Concernant la Coopération Transfrontalière entre Collectivités ou Autorités Territoriales

1986 Brussels Belgium T g XT8613

Convention on Temporary Admission

Istanbul convention 1990 Brussels Belgium T g XT9012

Convention on the Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs

1950 Brussels Belgium T g XT5021

Convention on the Transfer of Control of Persons to the External Frontiers of Benelux Territory

1960 Brussels Belgium T g XT6006

Convention on the Unification of the Benelux Customs Area

1969 Brussels Belgium T g XT6926

Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes

1950 Brussels Belgium T g XT5020

Customs Convention Concerning Facilities for the Importation of Goods for Display or Use at Exhibitions, Fairs, Meetings or Similar Events

1961 Brussels Belgium T g XT6111

Customs Convention Concerning Welfare Material for Seafarers

1964 Brussels Belgium T g XT6435

Customs Convention on Containers, 1972

1972 Brussels Belgium T g XT7240

Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods

ATA Convention 1961 Brussels Belgium T g XT6121

Customs Convention on the International Transit of Goods

ITI Convention 1971 Brussels Belgium T g XT7139

Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Packings

1960 Brussels Belgium T g XT6020

Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Pedagogic Material

1970 Brussels Belgium T g XT7012

Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment

1961 Brussels Belgium T g XT6110

Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment

1968 Brussels Belgium T g XT6808

Customs Convention Regarding ECS Carnets for Commercial Samples

1956 Brussels Belgium T g XT5603


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