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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International School of Brussels

ISB 1951 Brussels Belgium N XG1787

International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry

1970 Brussels Belgium N j XF2171

Laïcité et humanisme en Afrique centrale

LHAC 1997 Brussels Belgium N XN8398

Maison africaine

Brussels Belgium N XN6754

Mérite artistique européen

MAE 1979 Brussels Belgium N XN3264

Middle East and North Africa Public Administration Research Network

MENAPAR 2014 Brussels Belgium N j AA2958

Movement for International Solidarity

MIS Brussels Belgium N XQ0105

Open Forum Europe

2002 Brussels Belgium N XQ0289

School of European Business Media and Politics

EBMP 2006 Brussels Belgium N XM2841

Social Finance Intergroup

SOFI 2002 Brussels Belgium N XJ3207

The Brussels Map Circle

1998 Brussels Belgium N XQ2982

Union francophone des belges à l'étranger

UFBE 1967 Brussels Belgium N XN1235


Brussels Belgium N XM6663

World Council for Public Diplomacy and Community Dialogue

WCPDCD Brussels Belgium N s AA2881

World Society for Taiji

WST Brussels Belgium N XD6586

Aumôniers du Travail

1894 Brussels Belgium R XR9784

Institut Notre-Dame de la Joie

INDJ 1965 Brussels Belgium R j XR0227

Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary

1803 Brussels Belgium R XR2047

Société des Auxiliaires des Missions

SAM 1926 Brussels Belgium R XR6895

Ursulines de Tildonk

1818 Brussels Belgium R XR0250

International Congress of Furniture Manufacturers

Brussels Belgium S c XS0421

Accord de Senningen

1996 Brussels Belgium T g XT9682

Accord sur les Transports Routiers entre le Benelux et les Etats Baltes

1992 Brussels Belgium T g XT9260

ACP-EU Partnership Agreement

Cotonou agreement 2000 Brussels Belgium T g XT0080

Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, National Representatives and International Staff

1951 Brussels Belgium T g XT5113


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