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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Petroleum Producers's Organization

APPO 1987 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville D g XD1632

Association of the Episcopal Conferences of the Central African Region

1987 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville D XD8903

Fédération africaine des associations nationales de parents d'élèves et étudiants

FAPE 1995 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville D XD6239

African Music Council

AMC 2007 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville E XM4247

WHO Regional Office for Africa

AFRO 1952 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville E g XE9915

Banque de développement des Etats de l'Afrique centrale

BDEAC 1975 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville F gy XF4179

Central African Power Pool

CAPP 2003 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville F XM0736

International Network for Climate and Health for Africa

Clim-HEALTH Africa Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville F y XM4302

Association coeur africain

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville G XJ4398

Central African Mineral Resources Development Centre

CAMRDC 1981 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville H gx XE2452

Conseil promotionnel pour l'action des jeunes en Afrique

COPAJE-AF 2007 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville J XJ7529

Médecins d'Afrique

MDA 1993 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville N XM2727

African Higher Institute of Trade Union Research and Education

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U jtx XN0658

Central African Ministerial Resources Development Centre, Brazzaville

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U x XG4601

Christian Association for the Gospel, Health and Assistance to Mankind

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U x XG3130

Conseil de l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique centrale

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U x XN4876

Ecole multinationale supérieure des postes, Brazzaville

EMSP Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U gn XE1036

Groupe de recherche pour le désarmement, Brazzaville

1986 Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U x XG5192

Staff Association of the WHO Regional Office for Africa

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U vx XE1623
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