This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

European Skin Cancer Foundation

ESCF 2008 Berlin Germany G f XJ8673

Free Software Foundation Europe

FSFE 2001 Berlin Germany G f XG8845

Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners

1971 Berlin Germany G XG7023

German Near and Middle East Association

1934 Berlin Germany G XJ0701

German NGO Forum on Environment and Development

1992 Berlin Germany G XG5859

German Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management

1998 Berlin Germany G y XQ5387

Global Cooperation Council

GCC 1983 Berlin Germany G XG6823

Global Diplomacy Lab

GDL Berlin Germany G XM6156

Global Exchange for Social Investment

GEXSI 2004 Berlin Germany G XM1617

Global Public Policy Institute

GPPi 2003 Berlin Germany G j XM0438

Global Urban Studies Institute

GLOBUS 2004 Berlin Germany G j AA5211

Gossner Mission

1836 Berlin Germany G XN0488


1997 Berlin Germany G f XE3374

Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz

IAI 1930 Berlin Germany G j XG0324

Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa

IWO 2001 Berlin Germany G XM6035

INKOTA Network

Berlin Germany G XN9335

Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin

IEP 1959 Berlin Germany G j XG7971

Institut für Tropenmedizin und Internationale Gesundheit

1802 Berlin Germany G j XN0786

Institute for Productive Learning in Europe

1989 Berlin Germany G j XG0971

Institute of European Teacher Education, Berlin

1981 Berlin Germany G j XG2501

International Academy Berlin for Innovative Pedagogy, Psychology and Economics

INA 1996 Berlin Germany G XG9158

International Climate Initiative

ICI 2008 Berlin Germany G g XJ2961

International Design Center, Berlin

1968 Berlin Germany G XN0063

International Research Network on Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America 2009 Berlin Germany G XJ8589

International Security and Development Center

ISDC 2014 Berlin Germany G j AA0919


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