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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Association of International Law

AAIL 1986 Arusha Tanzania UR D XD1001

African Institute of International Law

AIIL 2012 Arusha Tanzania UR D XJ9580

College of Pathologists of East Central and Southern Africa

COPECSA 2010 Arusha Tanzania UR D XM5512

East Africa Law Society

EALS 1995 Arusha Tanzania UR D XD8584

East African Business Council

EABC 1997 Arusha Tanzania UR D XD8589

East African Community Customs Union

EACCU 2004 Arusha Tanzania UR D g XJ4397

East African Local Governments Association

EALGA 2005 Arusha Tanzania UR D XM2986

East African Meteorological Society

EAMS Arusha Tanzania UR D XJ5013

Energy Regulators Association of East Africa

EREA 2008 Arusha Tanzania UR D XM6469

Pan African Postal Union

PAPU 1980 Arusha Tanzania UR D g XD4305

Pan-African Lawyers Union

PALU 2002 Arusha Tanzania UR D XD9452

Coalition for an Effective African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights

African Court Coalition 2003 Arusha Tanzania UR E y XJ6551

College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa

COSECSA Arusha Tanzania UR E XM2391

East African Legislative Assembly

EALA Arusha Tanzania UR E g XK2203

East African Youth Council

EAYCO Arusha Tanzania UR E XE4535

East, Central and Southern African College of Nursing and Midwifery

ECSACONM 1988 Arusha Tanzania UR E XE1367

East, Central and Southern African Health Community

ECSA-HC 1974 Arusha Tanzania UR E g XE4701

Eastern and Southern African Management Institute

ESAMI 1980 Arusha Tanzania UR E gj XF0363

Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa

TRAPCA 2006 Arusha Tanzania UR E AA5236

African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights

AfCHPR 1998 Arusha Tanzania UR F g XF6450

East African Civil Society Organizations' Forum

EACSOF 2007 Arusha Tanzania UR F XM8682

East African Community

EAC 2000 Arusha Tanzania UR F g XD6196

East African Integrated Disease Surveillance Network

EAIDSNet 2000 Arusha Tanzania UR F g XJ8949

Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS and Health Service Organizations

EANNASO 2002 Arusha Tanzania UR F XK1338

International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

IRMCT 2010 Arusha Tanzania UR F g XJ2514


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