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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

African Leadership Conference

ALC 2005 Accra Ghana J c XJ7924

Global Citizen's Rights

GCR Accra Ghana J XM8870

Green Africa Youth Organization

GAYO 2014 Accra Ghana J AA4097

West African Union Development Council

WAUDC 2014 Accra Ghana J XM6125

Women of Africa Network

WOAN Accra Ghana J AA4694

African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption

APNAC 2003 Accra Ghana K XJ3527

International Centre for Materials Science and Technology

ICMST 1995 Accra Ghana N XG9641

Landlife International

Accra Ghana N XM1443

Plan Peace International

PPI Accra Ghana N XM1312

Vital International Foundation

1996 Accra Ghana N f XM0247

Conference of Vice-Chancellors, Presidents and Rectors of Institutions of Higher Learning in Africa

COREVIP Accra Ghana S c XS0092

African Centre for Human Development

ACHD 1987 Accra Ghana U x XG7756

African Institute for the Study of Human Values

Accra Ghana U jx XG3076

African Network for the Development of Ecological Agriculture

ANDEA Accra Ghana U x XF1204

African Publishing Institute

API 1993 Accra Ghana U jx XK0399

Centre for Human Rights Education, Accra

Accra Ghana U x XG5558

Children's Christian Storehouse International

CCSI 1997 Accra Ghana U x XN9208

Christian Relief Organization for Africa

CROFA 2001 Accra Ghana U x XQ0194

Environ International

Accra Ghana U x XN7690

Federation of United Nations Staff Associations and its Specialized Agencies in Ghana

FUNSA Accra Accra Ghana U x XG5544

George Padmore Research Library on African Affairs

1961 Accra Ghana U x XG2490

Green Earth Organization

GEO 1983 Accra Ghana U d XG4356

International Centre for African Music and Dance, Accra

ICAMD 1993 Accra Ghana U x XN6898

International Christian Federation of Aviation Professionals

Accra Ghana U tx XN5784

International Gospel Assemblies

Accra Ghana U x XG3742


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