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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Foundation for Security and Development in Africa

FOSDA Accra Ghana G f XJ5692

Free Africa Foundation

FAF 2000 Accra Ghana G f XM1955

Free World Foundation

FWF 2002 Accra Ghana G f XJ2554

Heritage Africa

Accra Ghana G XM1415

International Centre for Conflict and Human Rights Analysis

ICCHRA Accra Ghana G XM3861

International Voluntary Organisation for Women, Education and Development

IVOWED 2001 Accra Ghana G XM5973

Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre

KAIPTC 1998 Accra Ghana G XG9559

Moremi Initiative for Women's Leadership in Africa

Moremi Initiative 2004 Accra Ghana G XJ9218

Repositioning Peace in Africa

REPEAF Accra Ghana G XM6353

Research and Counselling Foundation for African Migrants

RECFAM 2004 Accra Ghana G XM4782

Third World Network-Africa

TWN Africa 1994 Accra Ghana G XJ2602

Volta River Authority

VRA 1961 Accra Ghana G g XD6436

West Africa Centre for Peace Foundation

WACPF 2008 Accra Ghana G f XM6714

West Africa Civil Society Institute

WACSI Accra Ghana G j XJ8128

World Inspiring Network

WIN 2016 Accra Ghana G AA4330

World Peace Volunteers

WPV Accra Ghana G XM7286

African Law Students and Young Lawyers Association

1978 Accra Ghana H x XD4207

All Africa Teachers' Organization

AATO 1974 Accra Ghana H xt XD6544

Association for the Advancement of Women in Africa

ASAWA 1985 Accra Ghana H x XD0338

Association of African Investment Promotion Agencies

AFRIPA Accra Ghana H x XD7602

Network of African Freedom of Expression Organizations

NAFEO 2005 Accra Ghana H dy XM3476

Organization of Museums, Monuments and Sites of Africa

OMMSA 1975 Accra Ghana H x XD5339

Pan African Diabetes Study Group

PADSG Accra Ghana H x XD6925

Africa Chamber of Content Producers

ACCPR Accra Ghana J AA3276

African Freedom of Expression Exchange

AFEX Accra Ghana J y XM5728


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