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Religious Practice → Orders, Secular Institutes

Organizations relating to Orders, Secular Institutes

Confederación de Institutos Seculares en América Latina / Lima, Peru / Est. 1982
World Conference of Secular Institutes / Rome, Italy / Est. 1974
Orange Order / Belfast, UK / Est. 1795
Pius X Secular Institute / Québec QC, Canada / Est. 1939
International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons / Chautauqua NY, USA / Est. 1886
Alliance universelle de l'ordre et de la civilisation / Est. 1872
Hospitallers of the Order of the Holy Ghost
Soeurs de Saint Joseph de Bourg / Paris, France / Est. 1650
Livonian Order / Est. 1201
Modern Order of the Star / Est. 1982
Order of the Alhambra / Baltimore MD, USA / Est. 1904
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn / La Crosse WI, USA / Est. 1888
Blessed Nuno Society / Duluth MN, USA / Est. 1986
Independent Order of Foresters / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1874
European Rogationist Association / Assisi, Italy / Est. 1990
Intergovernmental Group on the Emergence of a New Global Humanitarian Order
Khalsa / Est. 1699
Conférence internationale du troisième ordre régulier
International Alliance of Messianic Congregations
Benedictine Order / Engelberg, Switzerland
Federation of Independent European Jurisdictions of the Odd Fellow Order
World Vietnamese Buddhist Order / Vancouver BC, Canada
Ordre de Melchisedec / Paris, France
Independent Order / Est. 1947
Ordo Templi Orientis / Austin TX, USA
The Order of the Rainbows / Manly NSW, Australia
Ordre Eudiaque / Est. 1928
Order of St Vincent / Charleston SC, USA / Est. 1882
Ordre Saint-Georges
Oriental Esoteric Order
Ordre des chevaliers du Verseau / Est. 1987
Union of the Franciscan Ministers General / Rome, Italy
Ordre des Chevaliers de Saint-George
Associazione Internazionale Insigniti Ordini Cavallereschi
International Federative Alliance of the OSMTJ / Est. 1989
Order of St Lazarus Hospitaller Commission
South American Federation of Progressive Congregations
Stichting Orde van de Heilige Johannes de Deo / Merchtem, Belgium
Centre de coordination de la lutte contre les sectes, Bruxelles / Est. 1993
Black Order of Pan-Europa / Est. 1993
Society of Rosicrucians
Conférence européenne de l'ordre judiciaire / Imola, Italy
Conseil international pour l'ordre chrétien / Est. 1952
Ordre fraternel européen des druides et chevaliers du Tribann
Society of St John the Evangelist - America / Cambridge MA, USA
Ordre de la Croix-Blanche internationale
Action International of the Order of Malta / Rome, Italy
Congregations of St Joseph / New York NY, USA
International Trappist Association / Bocholt, Belgium / Est. 1998
Federation of the Company of St Ursula - Secular Institute of St Angela Merici / Vernante, Italy

View all profiles (98 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Orders, Secular Institutes

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Manipulative cults
Erosion of collective consensus
Unethical practices in religion
Threatened sects
Banned religious sects
Underprivileged religious minorities

Action Strategies relating to Orders, Secular Institutes

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Regulating use of oceans
Researching new world order
Restoring order
Setting communication standards
Disseminating distributive justice
Promoting world order
Building dependable mass communication
Creating public mood for domestic stability
Defining liberties within community order
Maintaining social order
Neglecting law and order
Prosecuting offences against public order
Defining vice and sex traffic offences
Modernizing world socio-economic order
Preserving rule of law
Understanding chaos
Reducing discrimination against sects
Integrating knowledge to empower humanity to act on problems
Synthesizing concepts of sustainable development
Preserving law and order

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