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Recreation → Winter Sports

Organizations relating to Winter Sports

International Skibob Federation / Oberhaching, Germany / Est. 1963
International Curling Federation, 1898 / Est. 1898
International Weight Pull Association / Est. 1984
World Pro Skiing-Racers Association
International Pro Skiing-Racers Association / Aspen CO, USA / Est. 1970
International Ice Sports Federation
Worldloppet / Hayward WI, USA / Est. 1979
International Wintersurf Federation / Est. 1954
Road Racers Association for International Luge / Northridge CA, USA / Est. 1990
Comité international du ski alpinisme de compétition
International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures / Est. 1982
Skilex International / Gmunden, Austria / Est. 1973
Fédération internationale des patrouilles de ski / Est. 1979
International Snowpipeing Federation
International Snowcrossing Federation / Est. 1989
International Snowsurf Triathlon Federation / Est. 1981
International Snowsurfing Federation / Est. 1989
International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association / Marlboro VT, USA
Association of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations / Oberhofen-Thunersee, Switzerland / Est. 1976
International Congress on Science and Skiing / Est. 1996
International Federation Icestocksport / Frankfurt-Main, Germany / Est. 1950
World Snowboard Federation / Innsbruck, Austria / Est. 2002
World Curling / Perth, UK / Est. 1966
International Ice Hockey Federation / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1908
International Ski Club of Journalists / Canterbury, UK / Est. 1955
International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association - Europe / Bishops Waltham, UK
International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association
Fédération internationale de ski et de snowboard / Oberhofen-Thunersee, Switzerland / Est. 1924

View all profiles (59 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Winter Sports

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Reckless all-terrain vehicle drivers
Overuse of de-icing salt
Degradation of mountain environment by leisure activities

Action Strategies relating to Winter Sports

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Developing curling
Teaching ski techniques

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