Health Care → Handicapped
Organizations relating to Handicapped
Nordic Council on Disability Policy / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1997
Arab Organization of Disabled People / Beirut, Lebanon / Est. 1998
Nordic Special Needs Education Organization / Est. 1920
Association internationale de recherche scientifique en faveur des personnes handicapées mentales / Orsay, France / Est. 1988
European Mental Retardation Consortium / Nijmegen, Netherlands / Est. 1996
Dyslexia International / Est. 2000
Inter-American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development / New York NY, USA / Est. 1999
Institute on Disability and Public Policy / Est. 2011
Groupe International Francophone pour la Formation aux Classifications du Handicap / Rennes, France / Est. 2004
MOKA International Foundation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1976
Global Partnership for Disability and Development / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2008
Asia-Pacific Disability Forum / Est. 2003
European Handcycling Federation / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2001
IMPACT - International Initiative Against Avoidable Disablement / Haywards Heath, UK / Est. 1983
Nordic Seating Network / Oslo, Norway
European Concept for Accessibility Network / Luxembourg, Luxembourg / Est. 1985
Sensorial Handicap Cooperation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1986
Platform Handicap en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking / Brussels, Belgium
VSA / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Handicapped Scuba Association International / San Clemente CA, USA / Est. 1981
ADD International / Frome, UK
Asia Disability Institute / Hachioji, Japan / Est. 1990
World Institute on Disability / Oakland CA, USA / Est. 1983
United States International Council on Disabilities / Washington DC, USA
World ENABLED / Berkeley CA, USA / Est. 2003
West African Federation of Associations for the Advancement of Handicapped Persons / Conakry, Guinea / Est. 1980
Caribbean Association on Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disabilities / Est. 1972
Conférence internationale des associations de mutilés de guerre et anciens combattants / Est. 1925
Nordiska Handikappidrottskommittén
Far East and South Pacific Games Federation for the Disabled / Est. 1974
Asian Wheelchair Sports Federation / Est. 2000
Pan African Federation of the Disabled / Bulawayo, Zimbabwe / Est. 1981
Nordiskt Råd för Rörelsehindrade / Stockholm, Sweden
International Sports Organization for the Disabled / Est. 1961
Handikapporganisationernes Nordiska Råd / Reykjavik, Iceland / Est. 1981
Fédération européenne des petits mutilés de guerre / Est. 1953
Africa Disability Alliance / Pretoria, South Africa
Eastern Africa Federation of the Disabled / Nairobi, Kenya
Inclusion Africa / Nairobi, Kenya
International Association of Professionals in Disability Management / Port Alberni BC, Canada / Est. 2006
Wheelchair Sports Worldwide / Aylesbury, UK / Est. 1998
United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability / New York NY, USA / Est. 1978
TASH - Working in Partnership with Disability Advocates Worldwide / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1975
International Institute on Special Needs Offenders / Adstock, UK / Est. 1995
Council for Learning Disabilities / Overland Park KS, USA
Learning Disabilities Worldwide / Weston MA, USA / Est. 1965
International Center for the Disabled / New York NY, USA / Est. 1917
Gratte / Brussels, Belgium
Missionnaires des infirmes
Soeurs ministres des infirmes
View all profiles (413 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Handicapped
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialImpairments of pelvic floor function
Homeless mentally disabled
Mental deficiency in children
Mental illness
Human disease and disability
Diseases of the respiratory system
Human sexual disorders
Personality disorders
Diseases of the lymphatic system
Disabled victims of torture
Unequal opportunities for disabled persons
Denial of rights to wounded military personnel
Tolerated atrocities
Impoverished disabled persons
Inadequate guardianship for mentally retarded adults
Limited psychiatric out-patient care
Social maladjustment of children of migrants
Reading disabilities
Social withdrawal of aged
Neuromuscular diseases
Mathematical ignorance
Defective immune system
Denial of the right to procreate to the severely mentally handicapped
Stress on families of the physically or mentally handicapped
Mental deficiency
Action Strategies relating to Handicapped
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialIncapacitating
Caring for the blind
Improving access to information for the handicapped
Organizing sporting events for the disabled
Providing medical care to persons with disabilities
Promoting the collective organization of disabled persons
Employing the disabled
Promoting the equal participation of the disabled in religion
Implementing web accessibility tools for the disabled
Developing assistive technology for the handicapped
Involving the handicapped
Killing the unfit
Rehabilitating the handicapped
Developing handicap training
Handicapped person
Supporting families of the physically handicapped
Treating number-blindness
Remedying mental deficiency
Using the disabled
Overcoming disability
Increasing independence of the disabled
Minimizing developmental disabilities
Providing for impoverished disabled persons
Providing assistance for foot diseases and disabilities
Counselling learning-disabled college students
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