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Health Care → Mental Health

Organizations relating to Mental Health

International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership / Keene NH, USA
Systems in Transition / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1992
Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder / Songkhla, Thailand
International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics / Milan, Italy
Federación Latinoamericana de Autismo / Est. 2000
European Delirium Association / Bielefeld, Germany
European Scientific Association on Schizophrenia and other Psychoses / Düsseldorf, Germany / Est. 2011
Iberoamerican Network for Bipolar Disorder / Pittsburgh PA, USA
ASEAN Federation for Psychiatry and Mental Health / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1981
Autism Network International / Est. 1992
International Academy of Law and Mental Health / Montréal QC, Canada / Est. 1981
European Democratic Movement for Mental Health / Merano, Italy / Est. 2008
South Asian Forum on Mental Health and Psychiatry / Colombo, Sri Lanka
Clifford Beers Foundation / Stafford, UK / Est. 1996
East Asian Bipolar Forum / Fukuoka, Japan
International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses / Madison WI, USA / Est. 1999
International Center for Mental Health / New York NY, USA
Martín-Baró Initiative for Wellbeing and Human Rights / Jamaica Plain MA, USA / Est. 1989
Global Autism Project / Brooklyn NY, USA
International Committee for Mental Hygiene / Est. 1931
European Committee for Mental Health / Est. 1932
European Network for User-Run Projects in the Region / Warnsveld, Netherlands
Institute of Psychiatry - International Mental Health
SAFE World Headquarters / Springfield OR, USA / Est. 1994
International OCD Foundation / Boston MA, USA / Est. 1986
International Bipolar Foundation / San Diego CA, USA
ASHA International / Portland OR, USA / Est. 2006
European Congress on Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine / Haifa, Israel
Latin American Association for Mental Health / Est. 1952
Schizophrenics Anonymous International
European Institute of Mental Health Law
Union internationale des amis et familles de malades mentaux / Paris, France / Est. 1963
Neurotics Anonymous / Little Rock AR, USA / Est. 1964
African Regional Council of the World Federation for Mental Health / Est. 1993
Balkan Foundation for Mental Health / Sofia, Bulgaria
Caribbean Association for Mental Health
Foundation for European Reforms in Mental Health / Est. 1990
Rayne Foundation / London, UK / Est. 1962
International Psychosomatic Centre / Turin, Italy
International Committee on Mental Health / Harrogate, UK
International Schizophrenia Centre / Bangor, UK
Caribbean Federation for Mental Health / Brooklyn NY, USA / Est. 1958
Centro Mondiale Igiene Mentale e Psicologia / Est. 1967
Autismo Latinoamérica Federación / Est. 2019
Asia Pacific Disaster Mental Health Network
European Alliance for Mental Health – Employment & Work
Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies / York NY, USA / Est. 1966
World Association of Cultural Psychiatry / Est. 2006
Société internationale des techniques d'imagerie mentale onirique / Paris, France / Est. 1968
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services / Burnaby BC, Canada / Est. 2001

View all profiles (208 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Mental Health

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Animal insanity
Catatonic schizophrenia
Sense of impermanence
Overemphasized leisure activities
Feline panleukopenia
Denial of rights of mental patients
Mental deficiency in children
Homeless mentally disabled
Occupational stress
Mental depression
Unhealthy anxiety
Mental illness
Conspiracy theories
Illness anxiety disorder
Cognitive decline
Bulimia nervosa
Childhood neurosis
Hysterical personality disorder
Leadership impaired by illness
Mental disorders of the aged
Nervous breakdown

Action Strategies relating to Mental Health

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Overcoming dyslexia
Treating mania
Fostering debate on mental health issues
Fostering intelligence for humanity
Preventing psychotic incoherence through self awareness
Blocking degeneration to sterile ceremony
Improving mental hygiene
Addressing obsession with immediate problems
Outlawing rogue states
Treating postnatal depression
Relieving mental stress
Providing services for mentally subnormal children
Ensuring rights of mentally-ill persons
Treating combat trauma
Clarifying mental confusion
Developing mental health services
Being crazy
Curing mental degeneracy
Denying rights of mental patients
Improving mental health
Overcoming discrimination against mentally disabled
Correcting mental disorders of the aged
Correcting obsessive-compulsive disorder
Exploiting patient obsession
Treating mental feebleness

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