Research, Standards → Study
Organizations relating to Study
International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies
International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies / Göttingen, Germany / Est. 1968
Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies / Est. 1982
International Association for the Study of Canon Law / Rome, Italy / Est. 1973
Nordic and North European Network for the Study of Dreams
Association for Korean Studies in Europe / Rome, Italy / Est. 1977
International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization / London, UK / Est. 1971
International Cultic Studies Association / Bonita Springs FL, USA / Est. 1979
International Association for Coptic Studies / Münster, Germany / Est. 1976
Société Internationale d'Études Néroniennes / Saint-Étienne, France / Est. 1976
Organisation mondiale d'études spécialisées sur les maladies de l'oesophage / Paris, France / Est. 1979
International Association for Near-Death Studies / Durham NC, USA / Est. 1978
International Society for the Study of Argumentation / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1986
Pacific Islands Political Studies Association / Canberra ACT, Australia / Est. 1987
International Society for Intermedial Studies / Est. 1996
International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1981
European Association for Biblical Studies / Est. 1996
European China Law Studies Association / Est. 2006
Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network / Nakhon Pathom, Thailand / Est. 2009
World Association of Lesson Studies / Singapore, Singapore
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Heideggerianos / Est. 2008
Asociación Iberoamericana de Estudios de Regulacion / Mendoza, Argentina
International Study of Religion in Eastern and Central Europe Association / Zagreb, Croatia / Est. 1995
European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions
International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies / Budapest, Hungary / Est. 2015
European Association of Taiwan Studies / Est. 2004
Pan American Center for Geographical Studies and Research / Quito, Ecuador / Est. 1973
International Society of Hildegard von Bingen Studies / St Paul MN, USA / Est. 1983
International Institute for Non-Aligned Studies / Delhi, India / Est. 1980
Comisión de Estudios de Historia de la Iglesia en América Latina / San Antonio TX, USA / Est. 1973
European Centre for Advanced Studies in Thermodynamics / Nancy, France / Est. 1989
Institut international d'études ligures / Bordighera, Italy / Est. 1947
International Committee of Creole Studies / Est. 1976
Scandinavian Society for Jewish Studies / Lund, Sweden / Est. 1975
Association des Jeunes Chercheurs Européens en études québécoise / Est. 1995
Association francophone européenne d'études baha'ies / Paris, France / Est. 1983
European Institute for Futures Studies / Est. 1990
International Coronelli Society for the Study of Globes / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1952
International Association for Ladakh Studies / Kumamoto, Japan / Est. 1987
International Association of Ukrainian Studies / Est. 1989
International Association for Tibetan Studies / Cambridge, UK / Est. 1979
Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1962
Latin American Center for Studies in Informatics / Bahia Blanca, Argentina / Est. 1979
Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East / Haifa, Israel / Est. 1980
Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1967
European Community Studies Association / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1987
Associazione Internazionale Studi di Canto Gregoriano / Landsberg am Lech, Germany / Est. 1975
International Institute for Labour Studies / Est. 1960
European Association of Burgundy Studies / Liège, Belgium / Est. 1960
International Committee for Moriscos Studies / Zaghouan, Tunisia / Est. 1983
View all profiles (2157 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Study
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialFragmentation of academic disciplines
Disruptive migration of trained personnel
Action Strategies relating to Study
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialStudying
Networking archaeologists
Using long-term perspective study
Researching public sector reform
Promoting study of industrial archaeology
Researching role of women in development management
Undertaking independent investigation
Managing drylands
Researching public health
Studying regional international relationships
Training in international finance
Promoting study of geographical problems
Researching juvenile delinquency
Maintaining futures library
Studying global warming
Studying social reform
Studying diplomatic relations
Promoting study of rural social sciences
Studying global change
Reviewing personal status laws
Researching insects
Promoting study of social sciences
Thinking systematically
Studying marine pollution
Researching social action
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