Societal Problems → Racism, xenophobia
Organizations relating to Racism, xenophobia
Rights Equality and Diversity
Olof Palme Memorial Fund for International Understanding and Common Security / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1986
Institute of Race Relations / London, UK / Est. 1958
Searchlight / Ilford, UK / Est. 1962
Institut für Migrations- und Rassismusforschung, Hamburg / Hamburg, Germany / Est. 1990
International ANSWER / Washington DC, USA
Vienna Wiestenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies / Vienna, Austria
International Union Against Racism / Est. 1946
Inter-American Convention Against Racism and all Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance
World Against Racism Network
Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism / Tel Aviv, Israel / Est. 1991
Declaration on Fundamental Principles Concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding, to the Promotion of Human Rights and to Countering Racialism, Apartheid and Incitement to War / Paris, France / Est. 1978
European Declaration Against Racism and Xenophobia / Est. 1986
Déclaration sur les Principes Fondamentaux Concernant la Contribution des Organes D'information au Renforcement de la Paix et de la Compréhension Internationale, à la Promotion des Droits de L'homme et à la Lutte Contre le Racisme et L'apartheid et L'incitation à la Guerre / Est. 1978
Déclaration sur la Race et les Préjugés Raciaux / Est. 1978
European Health Network Against Racism / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1998
European Anti-Racist Network for Equality / Est. 1992
Studiecentrum van de Geschiedenis van het Racisme en Fascisme, Gent / Ghent, Belgium
Programme to Combat Racism / Est. 1969
Christians Against Racism and Fascism
International Society for the Scientific Study of Race Relations / Est. 1954
Internationale Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene
World Forum for Rapprochement of Nations, Races and Religions Through Terminology / Est. 1995
Ligue internationale contre le racisme juif
Office européen antiraciste
International Campaign Against Racism in Sport / Est. 1974
Ligue mondiale contre la discrimination raciale
International Committee Against Racism / Est. 1973
Organization Racism Islamophobia Watch / Geneva, Switzerland
Artists Against Racism / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1993
Football Against Racism in Europe / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1999
International Association for the Study of Racism / Est. 1991
Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme / Paris, France / Est. 1927
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, Concerning the Criminalisation of Acts of a Racist and Xenophobic Nature Committed through Computer Systems / Strasbourg, France / Est. 2003
European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1993
UNITED for Intercultural Action - European Network Against Nationalism, Racism, Fascism and in Support of Migrants and Refugees / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1992
European Network Against Racism / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1998
Sant'Egidio / Brussels, Belgium
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