Societal Problems → Disposal of Bodies
Organizations relating to Disposal of Bodies
Association for Cemetery and Crematoria in the Nordic Countries / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1997
Europäische Bestatter-Union / Est. 1964
International and Universal Federation of Cremation Societies / Est. 1910
Association européenne de thanatologie / Est. 1966
British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia / London, UK / Est. 1976
Preferred Funeral Directors International / Indian Rocks Beach FL, USA / Est. 1937
International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association / Sterling VA, USA / Est. 1887
Australasian Cemeteries and Crematoria Association / Preston VIC, Australia
International Agreement Concerning the Conveyance of Corpses / Est. 1937
Agreement in Regard to War Graves / Est. 1935
Agreement Regarding British War Cemeteries in Iraq / Est. 1935
Agreement Regarding British War Memorial Cemeteries and Graves in Egypt / Est. 1937
Agreement Concerning British Military Cemeteries / Est. 1917
Europese Crematoriumvereniging / Roeselare, Belgium
European Centre of Teaching of Thanatopractic
Nordisk Samarbejdsråd inden for Kirkegårds- og Krematoriespörsmål
Associated Funeral Directors International / Largo FL, USA / Est. 1939
International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories / Bridgewater Township NJ, USA / Est. 1971
Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1973
Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe / Harrow, UK
International Cremation Federation / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1937
Commonwealth War Graves Commission / Maidenhead, UK / Est. 1917
World Organization of Funeral Operatives / Lelystad, Netherlands / Est. 1970
Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe / Maribor, Slovenia / Est. 2001
View all profiles (27 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Disposal of Bodies
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInadequate disposal of hospital waste
Violation of sacred sites
Failure to repatriate human remains
Desecration of cemeteries
Isolated mass cemeteries
Action Strategies relating to Disposal of Bodies
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEmbalming corpses
Recycling graves
Disposing of corpses
Simplifying burial
Managing cemeteries
Reburying human bodies
Promoting awareness of hygienic, ethical, aesthetic value of cremation
Focusing on corpses
Robbing graves
Protecting graveyards from vandalism
Desecrating ancient burial sites
Beautifying cemeteries
Protecting ancient burial sites
Marking graves
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