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Societal Problems → Corrosion


Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more chemically stable oxide. It is the gradual deterioration of materials by chemical or electrochemical reaction with their environment. Corrosion engineering is the field dedicated to controlling and preventing corrosion.

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Organizations relating to Corrosion

Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa / Midrand, South Africa / Est. 1974
Nordisk Samarbeidsgruppe for Korrosjon
European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts Foundation / Slagelse, Denmark / Est. 1969
Asia Pacific Corrosion Control Conference / Est. 1977
Nace Benelux / Hoofddorp, Netherlands / Est. 1994
NACE International - The Corrosion Society / Houston TX, USA / Est. 1943
Nordic Corrosion Congress / Est. 1954
International Corrosion Council / Turin, Italy / Est. 1961
World Corrosion Organization / New York NY, USA / Est. 2006
European Federation of Corrosion / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1955
International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics / Est. 1999

View all profiles (17 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Corrosion

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Corrosive substances
Corrosion of ships

Action Strategies relating to Corrosion

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential


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