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Industry → Paints, Varnishes

Organizations relating to Paints, Varnishes

Industrial Federation Paints and Coats of Mercosul / Sao Paulo, Brazil
Federation of Scandinavian Paint and Varnish Technologists / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1953
Nordic Society for Aerosol Research / Aarhus, Denmark / Est. 1978
European Pharmaceutical Aerosol Group / Leicester, UK / Est. 1999
Asia Regional Adhesive Council / Tokyo, Japan
Asociación de Técnicos Andinos en Recubrimientos / Medellin, Colombia / Est. 1998
Asociación Tecnologia Iberoamericana de Pinturas, Adhesivos y Tintas / Buenos Aires, Argentina
Association for International Development of Natural Gums / Rouen, France / Est. 1974
Global Tape Forum / Est. 2014
International Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium on Regulation and Science / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
International Natural Gums Association for Research / Est. 2000
World Paint and Coatings Industry Association / Est. 1976
Convention Concerning the Use of White Lead in Painting / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1921
CMEA Coordinating Centre for Anticorrosive Metal Protection / Est. 1971
PRA World / Melton Mowbray, UK / Est. 1926
Common Market Sub-Committee of the Federation of European Aerosol Associations / Est. 1968
European Adhesion Conference / Est. 1992
Asia Dyestuff Industry Federation / Beijing, China / Est. 2016
Nova Paint Club / Knutsford, UK / Est. 1983
Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung / Karlsruhe, Germany / Est. 1972
Federation of Associations of Technicians for Industry of Paints in European Countries / Paris, France / Est. 1950
International Aerosol Association / Est. 1957
World Coatings Council / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1992
Asian Lubricants Industry Association / Singapore, Singapore
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades / Hanover MD, USA / Est. 1887
Conseil européen de l'industrie des peintures, des encres d'imprimerie et des couleurs d'art / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1951
Internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft Deinking-Technik / Munich, Germany / Est. 1989
Coordinating European Council for the Development of Performance Tests for Transportation Fuels, Lubricants and Other Fluids / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1963
Coatings Societies International / Stuttgart, Germany / Est. 1979
Association technique de l'industrie européenne des lubrifiants / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1976
Fédération Européenne des Aérosols / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1959
International Society of Acrylic Painters / Est. 1995
Asian Aerosol Federation / Est. 2011
QUALICOAT / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1986
Union Européenne de l'Industrie des Lubrifiants / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1963
Union internationale des entrepreneurs de peinture / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1953
Asian Paint Industry Council / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1985
European Confederation of Watercolour Societies / Milan, Italy / Est. 1998
Fédération européenne des industries de colles et adhésifs / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1972
European Aerosol Assembly / Cologne, Germany / Est. 1995
Asian Aerosol Research Assembly / Est. 2001
International Aerosol Research Assembly / Heraklion, Greece / Est. 1986
Committee on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols / Helsinki, Finland / Est. 1965
European Adhesive Tape Association / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1958
Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research / Est. 1988

View all profiles (86 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Paints, Varnishes

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Aerosols as industrial hazards
Toxic anti-fouling agents
Lead poisoning in the home
Periodontal diseases

Action Strategies relating to Paints, Varnishes

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Reducing water pollution by organotin compounds used in anti-fouling paints
Producing resins
Recycling paint
Painting surrounding store fronts
Developing lubricants industry

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