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Organizations relating to Ceramics, Earthenware

European Ceramic Society / Mons, Belgium / Est. 1987
Asian Electroceramics Association / Taipei, Taiwan
European Technical Ceramics Federation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1967
International Committee for Abrasive Technology / Shenzhen, China / Est. 2002
World Ceramic Tiles Forum / Brussels, Belgium
Institute of Asian Cultures, Tokyo / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1982
International Library on Earthen Architecture / Villefontaine, France
Terra Atlantica / Ouzilly-Vignolles, France / Est. 1996
International Federation of Potters / Est. 1894
Nordisk Samvirkende Tegelforeninger
European Ceramic Association / Est. 1948
European Enamel Authority / Hagen, Germany / Est. 1990
International Nippon Collectors Club / Thurmont MD, USA / Est. 1979
International Brick Collectors' Association / Loveland OH, USA / Est. 1983
Belleek Collectors' International Society / Belleek, UK / Est. 1979
Flow Blue International Collectors Club / Est. 1986
Australasian Porcelain Art Teachers
Torquay Pottery Collectors' Society / Torquay, UK / Est. 1976
Tea Leaf Club International / Des Moines IA, USA / Est. 1980
Majolica International Society / New York NY, USA / Est. 1989
World Organization of China Painters / Oklahoma City OK, USA
International Concrete Brick Association
Euroceram Network / Est. 1992
Institut international de la construction en terre / Paris, France
Paragon International Collectors Club / Est. 1997
Ceramics International Association / Est. 1973
International Committee of Enamelling Creators / Est. 1984
Tile, Marble, Terrazzo, Finishers, Shop-Workers and Granite Cutters International Union / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1877
Australasian Ceramic Society / Perth WA, Australia / Est. 1964
Ceramic Arts Federation International / Est. 1983
Studiecentrum voor Europese en Aziatische Ceramiek, Gent / Melle, Belgium
Derby Porcelain International Society / Coleshill, UK / Est. 1985
Chelsea Pottery International Guild of Artists / Est. 1951
International Briquetting Association
International Plate Collectors Guild / Artesia CA, USA / Est. 1970
Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technololgy / Est. 1993
European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics / Est. 1991
European Enamel Association / Brussels, Belgium
International Brick and Block Masonry Conference / Est. 1967
Europe Makes Ceramics / Berlin, Germany / Est. 2015
Oriental Ceramic Society / Cambridge, UK / Est. 1921
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics / Rome, Italy / Est. 1977
World Academy of Ceramics / Faenza, Italy / Est. 1987
Association internationale pour l'étude de la mosaïque antique / Paris, France / Est. 1963
International Enamellers Institute / Milan, Italy / Est. 1957
FEUGRES - European Clay Pipe Association / Frechen, Germany / Est. 1957
Electroceramics Network / Limoges, France / Est. 2017
Baltic and North Atlantic Pottery Research Group / Est. 2016
European Union of National Tile Associations / Dagmersellen, Switzerland / Est. 1958
Fédération européenne du verre d'emballage / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1977

View all profiles (101 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Ceramics, Earthenware

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Electronic spam
Invasion of Internet privacy

Action Strategies relating to Ceramics, Earthenware

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Ensuring comprehensive system of protected areas
Developing ceramics industry
Defining electronic spam
Developing brick factory
Manufacturing paints
Promoting ceramic art

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