Industry → Textiles, Cordage
Organizations relating to Textiles, Cordage
Association of Universities for Textiles / Zwijnaarde, Belgium / Est. 1994
International Association of Textile and Light Industry Workers' Unions / Moscow, Russia
Federation of Asian Professional Textile Associations / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 1991
International Federation of Knitting Technologists / Wegberg, Germany / Est. 1956
ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Est. 1977
International Textiles and Clothing Bureau / Est. 1984
Groupement International de l'Etiquetage pour l'Entretien des Textiles / Clichy, France / Est. 1956
Cercle Euro-Mediterranean des Dirigeants du Textile, de l'Habillement et des Industries de la mode / Est. 2004
Global Tape Forum / Est. 2014
International Fabricare Institute / Laurel MD, USA / Est. 1972
International Fibre Drum Institute / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1974
Société d'études kantiennes de langue française / Dijon, France / Est. 1988
European Association Against Fibre Pollution / Est. 1988
Council of International String Teachers Associations / Est. 1999
European Glass Weavers Association / Sainte-Maxime, France / Est. 1969
European Throwsters' Association / Est. 1961
Association internationale de la teinture textile / Est. 1952
International Glovers Federation / Est. 1892
European GeoMembranes Association / Brussels, Belgium
International Federation of Associations of Spinners of Linen and Tow / Est. 1909
International Carpet Classification Organization / Est. 1975
Nordiska Textillärarförbundet / Stockholm, Sweden
Association of European Fibre and Paper Research Organisations / Dresden, Germany / Est. 2006
European Group for the Development of Textile Research
Textile Education and Research in Europe / Billericay, UK / Est. 1988
International Furnishings and Design Association / King of Prussia PA, USA / Est. 1947
Friends of Fiber Art International / Western Springs IL, USA / Est. 1991
World Floor Covering Association / Anaheim CA, USA / Est. 1995
International String Figure Association / Pasadena CA, USA / Est. 1978
International Organization of Lace, Inc / Paola KS, USA / Est. 1953
International Guild of Knot-Tyers / Est. 1982
International Feltmakers Association / Dunblane, UK / Est. 1984
International Casual Furnishings Association / High Point NC, USA / Est. 2008
Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles / Est. 1973
Convention Concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in the Textile Industry / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1937
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1921
International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products, 1982 / Est. 1982
Special Central American Agreement on the Equalization of Import Duties on Textiles Manufactured from Rayon or from other Artificial or Synthetic Fibres / Est. 1965
International Agreement on Jute and Jute Products, 1989 / Est. 1989
European Silk Weavers
United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union / Est. 1934
Home Furnishings International Association / Dallas TX, USA / Est. 1923
International Home Furnishings Representatives Association / High Point NC, USA / Est. 1934
Institut international de coloristique
Centre international d'étude des textiles anciens / Lyon, France / Est. 1954
International Hajji Baba Society / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1963
Association internationale Polynosic
Commission CE du Comité de liaison international des broderies, rideaux et dentelles
Asociación Textile Latinoamericana
International Institute of Carpet and Upholstery Certification / Est. 1972
View all profiles (275 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Textiles, Cordage
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEnvironmental hazards from textile and clothing industries
Instability of textile and clothing industries
Unethical practices in the apparel industry
Inadequate conditions of work in the textile industry
Inadequate international marketing of jute products
Action Strategies relating to Textiles, Cordage
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialTailoring
Cultivating hemp fibre
Choosing natural fibres
Caring for textiles
Growing fibre crops
Developing dyes
Promoting environmentally friendly paper products
Tapping cables
Tailoring training and re-training programmes in response to structural adjustment impacts
Ensuring competent tailoring
Using artificial fibres
Developing textile industry
Standardizing man made fibres
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