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Communication → Film


A film, also known as a movie or motion picture, is a work of visual art that simulates experiences and otherwise communicates ideas, stories, perceptions, emotions, or atmosphere through the use of moving images that are generally, since the 1930s, synchronized with sound and other sensory stimulations. The word "cinema" is borrowed from the French cinéma, an abbreviation of cinématographe, from Ancient Greek meaning "recording movement". The word is today usually used to refer to either a purpose-built venue for screening films, known as a movie theater in the US; the film industry; the overall art form of specifically just filmmaking.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Film

International Federation of Film Societies / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1947
Pontifical Council for Social Communications / Vatican City, Vatican / Est. 1948
PET Sheet Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2016
Commercial Film Producers Europe / London, UK
NORDICIL / Copenhagen, Denmark
Association of Film Commissioners International / Beverly Hills CA, USA / Est. 1975
ifs internationale filmschule köln / Cologne, Germany / Est. 2000
American Film Institute / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1967
Reed Midem / Paris, France / Est. 1966
Sundance Institute / Park City UT, USA / Est. 1981
International Institute of Films on Art / Est. 1955
International Committee of Film Education and Culture / Est. 1930
Internationale Filmkammer / Est. 1935
European Coordination of Film Festivals / Est. 1996
Société européenne du film
International Scientific Film Association / Est. 1947
Confédération internationale des industries techniques du cinéma / Est. 1958
International Bureau of Filmology / Est. 1947
Nordens Smalfilmforbund
International Federation of Films on Art / Est. 1948
International Chamber of Educational Films
International Film-Writers' Federation / Est. 1952
Guilde africaine des réalisateurs et producteurs / Paris, France
International Wildlife Film Makers Symposium / Wraxall, UK
Convention for Facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an Educational Character / Est. 1933
Convention Concerning Facilities for Educational and Publicity Films / Est. 1936
Office européen des films low-budget
Baltic Films
Internationales Institut für Zeichantrickfilm und Comicsforschung
Association internationale des écoles de film
London International Film School / London, UK / Est. 1956
European Guarantee Fund for Film / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1997
Institut panafricain du film
Commonwealth Film Institute
Nordic-Baltic Film Fund / Est. 1992
Union des cinéastes huitistes mondiaux
International Experimental and Art Film and Theatre Confederation
Fédération internationale des producteurs de films spécialisés
International Association for Filmological Research
Bureau international du film
Europäisches Filmzentrum Babelsberg / Potsdam, Germany
International Film Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1945
Europäisches Filminstitut / Wasserburg-Bodensee, Germany
Third World Film Festival Association
Centre international du cinéma d'animation / Annecy, France / Est. 1956
Club européen du film / Est. 1976
International Committee on Films of Man / Paris, France / Est. 1952
Nordic Film Committee / Est. 1976
Asian Federation of Film Producers
Association européenne des metteurs en scène / Vienna, Austria

View all profiles (196 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Film

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Immoral films
Violence on screen
Irresponsible tobacco and cigarette advertising
Protectionism in the entertainment products and film industries
Film and cinema censorship
Media illiteracy
War and pre-war propaganda
Film propaganda

Action Strategies relating to Film

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Popularizing development communication
Securing access to media for third world productions
Supporting quality third world film production
Marketing issue-oriented productions from developing countries
Funding Third World films
Screening third world documentary films
Organizing film festivals
Conserving old films
Supporting film industry
Reducing amount of advertising
Protecting entertainment products and film industries
Reducing protectionism in the entertainment products and film industries
Watching films
Exchanging student produced films
Producing films
Exhibiting short films
Promoting restored films
Distributing quality films
Assisting independent film makers
Promoting documentary and educational films
Screening films
Organizing student film festivals
Organizing Latin film festivals
Enabling free circulation of films
Reinforcing contacts among film makers

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