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Organizations relating to Exchanges

Centre international de recherches, d'échanges et de coopération de la Caraïbe et des Amériques / Est. 1981
International Society for Ceramic Art Education and Exchange / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 2006
Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives / Est. 1983
INTERVac - International Home Exchange Holiday Service / Paris, France / Est. 1953
European Landscape Education Exchanges / Est. 1985
Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program Foundation / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 1994
EUNICE Network / Munich, Germany
Eurasia International Digital Exchange Advocacy Network / Est. 2009
Magellan Exchange / Cape Girardeau MO, USA
Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme for South and Southeast Asia / Quezon City, Philippines / Est. 1998
Red de Intercambio de los Parlamentos de América Latina y El Caribe / Brasilia, Brazil / Est. 2011
School Mental Health International Leadership Exchange / Est. 2014
African Freedom of Expression Exchange / Accra, Ghana
International Theatre Exchange / London, UK / Est. 1952
Center for Humanitarian Outreach and Intercultural Exchange / West Jordan UT, USA / Est. 1982
German Appropriate Technology Exchange / Est. 1978
Comité universitaire francophone pour le développement des échanges scientifiques / Paris, France / Est. 1967
China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges / Beijing, China
Central European Exchange Programme for University Students / Vienna, Austria
Movimento per l'Autosviluppo, l'Interscambio et la Solidarietà / Turin, Italy / Est. 1985
Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange / McLean VA, USA / Est. 1989
Groupe d'échanges scientifiques et technologiques éducation-environnement / Paris, France / Est. 1983
Wenner-Gren Foundations / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1955
Fulbright Association / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1977
International Student Exchange Program / Arlington VA, USA / Est. 1979
Traidcraft Exchange / Gateshead, UK / Est. 1986
Conseil euro-marocain du développement de coopération et d'échanges socioculturels / Aix-en-Provence, France
MOA International / Shizuoka, Japan / Est. 1980
World Exchange / Putnam Valley NY, USA / Est. 1985
International Research and Exchanges Board / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1968
Foundation for Worldwide International Student Exchange / Dyersburg TN, USA / Est. 1990
International Health Exchange / London, UK / Est. 1980
Ayusa International / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1982
International Centre of Innovation and Exchange in Public Administration / Salvador, Brazil
Echanges internationaux / Paris, France / Est. 1964
International Student Association of Japan / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1934
Africa Development Interchange Network / Douala, Cameroon / Est. 1985
Leadership exCHANGE / Durham NC, USA / Est. 1999
International Network for Educational Exchange / Vienna, Austria
International Cultural Exchange Organization / Gold River CA, USA
Foundation for Sustainable Development Intercultural Exchange / Berg am Irchel, Switzerland / Est. 1996
CapitalPlus Exchange / Est. 2004
Institute of Exchange Associations, 1925 / Est. 1925
Association des écoles engagées dans des échanges internationaux / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1995
Association for the Exchange of Culture and Science between East and West / Leuven, Belgium
North-South Centre for Technical and Cultural Interchange / Est. 1965
ALFA Programme / Est. 1994
International Exchange Committee / Est. 1933
Commission on Development and Exchanges / Columbus OH, USA / Est. 1979
International Exchange Centre / Riga, Latvia / Est. 1989

View all profiles (373 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Exchanges

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Foreign exchange monopoly
Deterioration of international terms of trade
Maldistribution of resources
Restrictions on freedom of information
Securities and commodities exchange violations
Conflicting laws concerning bills of exchange and promissory notes
Erosion of social dialogue

Action Strategies relating to Exchanges

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Facilitating academic exchanges
Creating local currency systems
Facilitating interdisciplinary exchanges
Strengthening cooperation in the social sciences
Strengthening research cooperation and exchange of information on demographic change
Establishing international exchange networks on conservation technologies
Expanding research on mountain ecosystems
Strengthening network of national information exchange centres on chemicals
Taxing currency exchange transactions
Improving international exchange of information on water management technology
Creating information exchange networks to improve urban health
Accessing biological collections
Establishing exchanges for international understanding
Coordinating international exchange rates
Recording trade in species
Establishing information exchange networks on alternative forms of agriculture
Disseminating environmental information
Improving exchange of information, skills, and technologies
Coordinating interchange of nuclear expertise
Improving international exchange in marine sciences
Coordinating exchange programme for agriculture
Improving exchange of information to avoid international environmental disputes
Expanding exchange of experience
Expanding international exchange on sustainable development education
Developing mechanisms for efficient and harmonized environmental information exchange

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