Transportation, Telecommunications → Telegraphs
Organizations relating to Telegraphs
Skandinavisk Telegraf og Telefon Föderasjon
Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement, 1963 / Est. 1963
Telegraph Convention, 1858 / Est. 1858
Telegraph Convention / Est. 1912
International Wireless Telegraph Convention / Est. 1906
International Radiotelegraph Convention / Est. 1912
Agreement Concerning Telegraph and Telephone Circuits between Bujumbura and Kigali / Est. 1970
Agreement on Telegraphs / Est. 1911
Convention for the Establishment of a Postal and Telegraph Money Order Service / Est. 1912
Telegraph Convention, 1871 / Est. 1871
Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement, 1948 / Est. 1948
Telegraph Regulations, Telephone Regulations / Est. 1973
Conférence des ingénieurs des administrations télégraphiques et téléphoniques
West European Telegraph Union / Est. 1855
Ost-Europäische Telegraphengesellschaft
Deutsch-Südamerikanische Telegraphengesellschaft
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