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Transportation, Telecommunications → Containers

Organizations relating to Containers

International Council of Intermediate Bulk Container Associations / Ashtead, UK
International Dangerous Goods and Containers Association / St Petersburg, Russia / Est. 2001
Australasian Container Reconditioners Association / Seven Hills NSW, Australia
European Glass Container Manufacturers' Committee / Est. 1951
Agreement on Unification of Container Transport Systems / Est. 1971
Customs Convention on Containers, 1972 / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1972
Customs Convention on Containers, 1956 / Est. 1956
Third Protocol to the General Treaty of Central American Economic Integration to Guarantee Free Trade in Paper and Glass Containers / Est. 1966
Convention on Customs Treatment of Pool Containers Used in International Transport / Est. 1994
International Tank Container Leasing Association
Container Aid International / London, UK / Est. 1968
European Federation of Glass Container Manufacturers
International Bunker Conference / Est. 1979
PET Container Recycling Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1996
European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association / Bad Homburg, Germany / Est. 1982
CMEA Coordinating Centre for Container Transport / Est. 1972
Institute of International Container Lessors / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1971
United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1997
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage / London, UK / Est. 2001
International Convention for Safe Containers / London, UK / Est. 1972
International Confederation of Container Reconditioners / Washington DC, USA
Container Owners Association / Surbiton, UK / Est. 2004
International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation / Est. 1983

View all profiles (36 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Containers

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Non-destructible containers and packaging

Action Strategies relating to Containers

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Taxing drink containers
Manufacturing containers
Recycling beverage containers
Recycling packaging
Making destructible containers
Standardizing containers

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