Transportation, Telecommunications → Shipping
Organizations relating to Shipping
Arab Federation of Chambers of Shipping / Alexandria, Egypt / Est. 2002
Aquapol / Est. 2002
Nordisk Defence Club / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1889
Worldscale Association / London, UK / Est. 1969
Costas Grammenos Centre for Shipping, Trade and Finance, The / London, UK
International Shipowners' Association / Est. 1970
European Association for Shipping Informatics / Est. 1980
Pacific Forum Line / Auckland, New Zealand / Est. 1977
Eastern Caribbean Consultative Committee / Est. 1969
Caribbean Regional Shipping Council / Est. 1962
British Commonwealth Merchant Shipping / Est. 1931
Agreement on Cooperation among Maritime Trade Shipping Organizations / Est. 1971
Agreement Respecting Merchant Shipping / Est. 1919
Convention Concerning the Seaworthiness and the Equipment of Ships / Est. 1926
Small Vessel Shipping Project / Est. 1980
International Shipping Institute
Latin American Shipping Commission / Est. 1986
Baltafrika / Rostock, Germany / Est. 1967
ECO Shipping Company / Est. 1995
Shipping Committee for Central America
European Association of Classification Societies / Est. 1979
Maghreb Committee on Shipping / Est. 1965
South Pacific Regional Shipping Council / Suva, Fiji
Centre for International Economics and Shipping, Bergen / Bergen, Norway / Est. 1958
Fonds de la batellerie rhénane / Brussels, Belgium
Kubalko / Rostock, Germany / Est. 1962
International Shipping Development Fund
Association of International Shipping Lines
Instituto de Estudios de la Marina Mercante Iberoamericana / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1963
West Indies Shipping Corporation / Est. 1961
Pacific Merchant Shipping Association / San Francisco CA, USA
Organisation européenne de la batellerie
Islamic Shipping Company
NATO Allied Command Channel
Commonwealth Shipping Committee / Est. 1920
Cámara Interamericana de Asociaciones Nacionales de Agentes Marítimos
ESPA MARITIEM and LOGISTIEK / Ekeren, Belgium / Est. 1966
Inter-Governmental Standing Committee on Shipping / Mombasa, Kenya / Est. 1967
Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1975
United Arab Shipping Company / Safat, Kuwait / Est. 1976
International Shipping Federation / Est. 1909
International Air and Shipping Association / Henley-on-Thames, UK
Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners' Associations / Est. 1974
European Community Shipowners' Associations / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1965
Clean Shipping Alliance / Est. 2018
Caribbean Shipping Association / Kingston, Jamaica / Est. 1971
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers / London, UK / Est. 1911
World Shipping Council / Washington DC, USA
Digital Container Shipping Association / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2019
Institute for Human Rights and Business / Eastbourne, UK / Est. 2009
View all profiles (79 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Shipping
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialSubstandard shipping vessels
Evasion of shipping regulations and taxes by flags of convenience
Overpopulation of shipping vessels
Environmental impacts of shipping
Obstacles for ocean shipping in developing countries
Over-concentration of ownership of maritime fleets
Liner shipping cartels
Action Strategies relating to Shipping
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialShipping
Promoting social and economic progress in the maritime industry
Assessing extent of marine pollution in areas with congested shipping lanes
Shipping waste
Improving island transport services
Establishing shipping operations
Identifying obstacles for international ocean shipping
Improving capacity of shipping systems
Restricting shipping practices
Selling arms
Providing fair shipping practices
Reducing flag discrimination in shipping
Shipping arms illegally
Coping with inadequate transport systems for isolated islands
Self-regulating shipping industry
Increasing efficiency of shipping procedures and documentation
Establishing shipping procedures and documentation
Standardizing containers
Developing improved port security
Modernizing shipping service
Affecting international merchant shipping
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