Transportation, Telecommunications → Cycling
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Cycling, also known as bicycling or biking, is the activity of riding a bicycle or other types of pedal-driven human-powered vehicles such as balance bikes, unicycles, tricycles, and quadricycles. Cycling is practised around the world for purposes including transport, recreation, exercise, and competitive sport.
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Organizations relating to Cycling
Oceania Cycling Federation / Prospect SA, Australia
Nordic Cycling Association / Jönköping, Sweden / Est. 1913
International Federation of Bike Messenger Associations / Est. 1994
European Cycling Union / Erlenbach, Switzerland
Association Internationale des Journalistes de Cyclisme / Champigny-sur-Marne, France
International Mountain Bicycling Association Europe / Harderwijk, Netherlands / Est. 2012
Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2014
European Union Cyclists' Group
International Christian Cycling Club / Centennial CO, USA / Est. 1986
Brevets Randonneurs Mondiaux / Ecquevilly, France / Est. 1983
International Association of Esperanto-Speaking Cyclists / Maastricht, Netherlands / Est. 1980
World Cycling Centre / Aigle, Switzerland
Association européenne de cyclosport / Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France / Est. 2003
Bike for Peace / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1978
Asian Cycling Federation
Conseil du cyclisme amateur de l'UCI / Est. 1965
Confederación Sudamericana de Ciclismo
International Police Mountain Bike Association / Baltimore MD, USA / Est. 1991
International Union of Veterinary Cyclists / Portland OR, USA
Velo-Pro Europe
International Bicycle Touring Society / San Diego CA, USA / Est. 1964
Cykle- og Sportsbransjens Nordiske Komite
Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wander-, Ski-, und Rettungswesen
BikeAbout / New York NY, USA
Association internationale du bicycle / Est. 1956
Wheels for God's World / Cape Town, South Africa / Est. 1995
International Cycling Team / Baardegem, Belgium
International Cycling Safety Conference / Est. 2012
Arab Cycling Federation / Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Confédération africaine de cyclisme / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1973
Union européenne de cyclotourisme / Ivry-sur-Seine, France / Est. 2002
Pedals for Progress / High Bridge NJ, USA / Est. 1991
Association of the European Two-Wheeler Parts' and Accessories' Industry / Est. 1960
Comité de liaison des fabricants européens de bicyclettes / Est. 1973
Union Cycliste Internationale / Aigle, Switzerland / Est. 1900
The Cyclists' Alliance / Est. 2007
Pan American Cycling Confederation / Havana, Cuba / Est. 1922
European Quadricycle League / Paris, France / Est. 1996
Winter Cycling Federation / Oulu, Finland / Est. 2013
World Bicycle Polo Federation / Bailey CO, USA / Est. 1987
International Cycling History Conference / Cologne, Germany / Est. 1990
Asian Cycling Confederation / New Delhi, India
Velo-city / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1980
European Bicycle Manufacturers Association / Brussels, Belgium
Vélo Mondial / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2000
European Cyclists' Federation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1983
International Bicycle Fund / Seattle WA, USA / Est. 1984
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy / New York NY, USA / Est. 1985
Cycling Industries Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2018
European Cycle Logistics Federation
View all profiles (74 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Cycling
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialAction Strategies relating to Cycling
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCycling
Constructing cycle routes
Developing bicycle industry
Planning for bicycle use
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