Amenities → Consumers
Organizations relating to Consumers
International Federation of Standards Users / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1974
Society for Consumer Affairs Professionals in Europe / Symington, UK
Efficient Consumer Response Asia Pacific / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1999
Federación de Usuarios de Interent de latinoamerica y Caribe / Buenos Aires, Argentina
Quest International Users Group / Lexington KY, USA / Est. 1995
International Oracle Users Community / Redwood City CA, USA / Est. 1994
CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality / St Michael, Barbados / Est. 2002
Committee of Senior Officials of the Nordic Countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Field of Food Issues / Est. 1980
Consumer Co-operatives Worldwide / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1969
European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research / Neubiberg, Germany / Est. 1991
European Consumer Consultative Group / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2003
Viking NonStop User Group / Stockholm, Sweden
Association francophone des utilisateurs de Linux et des logiciels libres / Paris, France
International Blaise Users Group / Ann Arbor MI, USA / Est. 1992
International Users Group of ISPO-certified organizations / Rotterdam, Netherlands
Higher Education User Group / Est. 1997
ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 2007
European Kansei Group / Zaventem, Belgium / Est. 2014
Initiative for a Competitive Online Marketplace
European Sensory Network / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1989
European Research into Consumer Affairs / Bicester, UK / Est. 1973
International Consumer Research and Testing / London, UK / Est. 1990
European Network of ex- Users and Survivors of Psychiatry / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1991
CAN in Automation / Nürburg, Germany / Est. 1992
European Road Profile Users' Group / Est. 2012
Efficient Consumer Response Australasia / Kingston ACT, Australia / Est. 1999
Max Havelaar Foundation / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 1988
Strategic Account Management Association / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1964
Consumers for World Trade / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1978
International Avaya Users Group / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 2010
Universal Union for Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse / Buea, Cameroon / Est. 2003
Alliance for Consumer Fire Safety in Europe / Est. 1998
European Union of Production and Wholesale Centres of Consumers' Cooperative Societies
International Association of Sylviculturists and Users of Forest and Wood Products / Est. 1950
European Federation of Associations of Open Systems Users / Svaneke, Denmark
Association of Users and Distributors of AgroChemicals in Europe / Monferran Savès, France / Est. 1997
NAF International / Est. 1918
European Council of Telecommunications Users' Associations / Overath, Germany / Est. 1986
Caribbean Consumers' Association / Est. 1969
European Association for Study and Reflection on Consumer Problems
European Federation of Natural Medicine Users
International Consumer Product Safety Caucus
Global Consumer Credit Reporting Network / Est. 1998
Association francophone des utilisateurs de la Classification Internationale des Soins Primaires / Beauvoir-sur-Mer, France
European Consumer Centre, Bolzano / Bolzano, Italy
Latin American QFD Association / Monterrey, Mexico
International Informix Users Group / Newtonville MA, USA / Est. 1995
Club des utilisateurs Bull européen / Paris, France
Novell Users International / Provo UT, USA
Australasian Association for Quality in Health Care / Gold Coast QLD, Australia / Est. 1990
View all profiles (280 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Consumers
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialExcessive exposure to radiation from consumer goods and electronic devices
Dumping of consumer waste products
Insensitivity of transnational corporations to consumer needs
Unsatisfactory retail banking
Unethical consumption practices
Misrepresentation of information to consumers
Proliferation of consumer products
Return of purchases
Consumer vulnerability
Socio-economically inactive population
Unethical practices by employees
Personal debt
Unsafe design of consumer products
Non-destructible containers and packaging
Decreasing consumer choice
Action Strategies relating to Consumers
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialAdvocating free access to telecommunication networks
Taxing disposable products
Researching consumer attitudes
Labelling consumer goods
Testing economic instruments for charging water users
Strengthening cooperation among scientists, extension workers and users
Assessing role of women in consumption
Ensuring land users implement improved land use measures
Energy marking of consumer goods
Encouraging green consumer movements
Protecting consumer interests on the internet
Forming environmentally sound technology networks
Reducing computer fraud
Protecting insurance consumers
Providing local communities with environmental know-how
Strengthening managerial capabilities of local water user groups
Training in community water resources management
Using variable pricing for waste management at the consumer level
Providing public information for water users
Transforming environmental information for different user groups
Providing legal advice for consumers
Researching impact of waste minimization on consumers
Creating customer dependency
Providing information on drinking water quality
Involving consumers in biodiversity conservation
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