Social Activity → Employers
Organizations relating to Employers
Business European Capital Cities / Paris, France / Est. 1989
European Federation of Social Employers / Est. 2007
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Council of Patrons / Alexandria, Egypt / Est. 2002
SGI Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1961
Adriatic Region Employers' Centre / Geneva, Switzerland
International Maritime Employers' Council / Fareham, UK
International Council of Commerce Employers / Est. 1947
Organization of Employers' Federations and Employers in Developing Countries / Est. 1945
Association of French-Speaking African Employers' Organizations / Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso / Est. 1996
Nordiska Handelsarbetsgivare-Föreningarnas Samarbetskommitté / Est. 1938
Association for the Cooperation of Employers / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1990
Arab Centre for Social Insurance, Khartoum / Khartoum, Sudan / Est. 1980
Meeting of the Chairmen of Latin American and Spanish Employers' Organizations
East, Central and Southern African Employers' Conference
Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers' Claims in the Event of the Insolvency of Their Employer / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1992
Convention Respecting the Application of the Accident Insurance Laws of the Various States to Cases Where an Employer in One of the Contracting States Carries on a Business or Employs Workers in Another of the Said States / Est. 1937
Convention Concerning Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the Employer / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1982
Nordic Association for the Graphics Industry
European Sugar Industry Employers' Association
Europäische Arbeitsbegerunion / Kempten, Germany / Est. 1995
Coalition internationale des patrons
Standing Committee of European Port Employers Associations / Est. 1971
Organisation internationale des patrons industriels
Organisation internationale des employeurs industriels
Skandinaviske Verkstedsindustrins Arbetsgivarforeningars Permanente Utskott
Association internationale d'employeurs / Brussels, Belgium
Nordic Employers' Organization / Stockholm, Sweden
Nordiska Arbetsgivarorganisationerna
Coiffure EU / Ghent, Belgium / Est. 2005
International Network of Employers and University Careers Services
South East Asian Association of Graduate Employers
European Confederation of Outdoor Employers / Huldenberg, Belgium
International Organization for Motor Trades and Repairs / Est. 1947
Fédération des employeurs ONG / Brussels, Belgium
MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance / Gainesville FL, USA / Est. 1994
International Organisation of Employers / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1920
Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-Based Industries / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1962
Business Africa / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1986
ASEAN Confederation of Employers / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 1978
BUSINESSEUROPE / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1958
Confederation of Asia-Pacific Employers / Petaling Jaya, Malaysia / Est. 2001
Fédération des Organisations Patronales de l'Afrique de l'Ouest / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1996
European Federation of Education Employers / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2009
View all profiles (63 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Employers
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialGenetic discrimination
Decline in employer-provided pensions
Discrimination against black working women
Unethical practices by employees
Discrimination against men in employment
Labour hoarding by employers
Exploitation of indigenous populations in employment
Denial of right to economic security during periods of unemployment
Denial of right to collective bargaining
Unemployment of educated older people
Action Strategies relating to Employers
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialHiding agendas
Using roundtable process
Using wind power
Employing energy efficient design
Using workgroup computing
Using life-cycle analysis
Creating local currency systems
Using plastics
Using hedgerow intercropping
Using cost-benefit analysis
Employing domestic violence
Using preventative diplomacy
Employing people in conservation programmes
Offering flexible employment
Remote sensing by satellite
Applying technologies for improved food production
Using music therapy
Employing urban poor
Cremating the dead
Employing the disabled
Integrating ethnic groups
Strengthening cooperation of employers organizations with transnational corporations
Making effective use of medicinal plants
Using solar cookers
Using cost benefit analysis tools for biodiversity impact assessment
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