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Social Activity → Self Employed

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Organizations relating to Self Employed

European Association of Independents / Neunkirchen, Germany / Est. 1973
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor / London, UK / Est. 1999
Committee of 200 / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1982
SEED / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2002
Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2012
World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce / Hinsdale IL, USA / Est. 2000
Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1986
Global Public Policy Institute / Berlin, Germany / Est. 2003
Global Foundation for the Sustainability of Billion Minds / Washington DC, USA
Skoll Foundation / Palo Alto CA, USA / Est. 1999
Centre for African Entrepreneurship Research and Development / Nairobi, Kenya
International University of Entreprenology / Honolulu HI, USA / Est. 1972
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1998
Business Angel Network Southeast Asia / Singapore, Singapore / Est. 2001
African Entrepreneur Collective / Est. 2012
The Asfari Foundation / London, UK / Est. 2006
International Federation of the Independent Shoe Trade / Est. 1958
African Enterprise Fund / Est. 1988
Africa Project Development Facility / Est. 1986
Central American and Caribbean Confederation of Small and Medium Sized Independent Companies
Asian Society for Entrepreneurship Education and Development / Delhi, India / Est. 1989
European Federation of Freelance Writers / Geneva, Switzerland
Europäische Mittelstands-Union / Rome, Italy / Est. 1979
Tony Elumelu Foundation / Lagos, Nigeria / Est. 2010
Global Entrepreneurship Network / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2007
International Nightlife Association / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 2012
International Freelance Photographers Organization / Lewisville NC, USA / Est. 1984
Free Lance International Press / Rome, Italy
Entrepreneurs sans frontières / Paris, France / Est. 2005
Macro Euro-China Entrepreneurs Club / Beijing, China / Est. 1996
Inventors Workshop International Education Foundation / Santa Barbara CA, USA / Est. 1971
Foundation for Youth Social Entrepreneurship
LEA Global / St Charles IL, USA / Est. 1999
The Indus Entrepreneurs / Sunnyvale CA, USA / Est. 1992
Académie Avignon / Est. 1997
World Entrepreneur Association
Entrepreneur sans frontière
European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Research / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1988
Asian-Pacific Entrepreneurs Network
International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies / Bucharest, Romania
International Institution of Entreprenology
Initiative to Encourage Partnerships between Industries and/or Services in Europe
International Entrepreneurship Educators Association / Bunbury WA, Australia
Fórum de Empresarios de Lingua Portuguesa
Commission on Enterprise, Business Facilitation and Development / Est. 1996
Institut international de formation des entrepreneurs et gestionnaires / Lomé, Togo
International Federation of Bunkering Depot Proprietors
European Network of Forest Entrepreneurs / Est. 2000
Independent Accountants International / Est. 1978
World Entrepreneurs' Organization

View all profiles (171 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Self Employed

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Shortage of entrepreneurial ability
Fragmented agricultural development
Excessive provisional income tax

Action Strategies relating to Self Employed

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Providing affordable loans to women
Promoting social innovation
Working from home
Recognizing eco-pioneers in technology
Promoting women entrepreneurs
Improving opportunities for women's self-employment
Promoting self-employment
Training for self-employment in the urban informal sector
Promoting entrepreneurship
Enhancing favourable trading environment
Involving women entrepreneurs in national expertise groups for sustainability
Supporting independent initiatives in science and technology
Mentoring tomorrow's entrepreneurs
Enhancing corporate environmental responsibility
Creating on-line contract work
Establishing environmentally responsible enterprises
Reducing disparities between employed and self employed
Developing citizens entrepreneurship
Operating state monopoly in capitalism
Teaching practical managerial skills
Developing entrepreneurial skills
Exposing violation of entrepreneurial activities
Monitoring entrepreneurial activities
Providing expertise on privatization

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