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Social Activity → Unemployment

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth


Unemployment, according to the OECD, is the proportion of people above a specified age not being in paid employment or self-employment but currently available for work during the reference period.

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Organizations relating to Unemployment

The Left in the European Parliament / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1994
International Association for the Prevention of Unemployment / Est. 1909
European Claimants Association
Agreement Regarding Rules for Recognition of Contribution Periods and Periods of Employment in the Case of Persons Covered by Unemployment Insurance Who Remove from One Country to Another / Est. 1959
Convention Ensuring Benefit or Allowances to the Involuntarily Unemployed / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1934
Convention Concerning Unemployment / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1919
Convention Concerning Unemployment Indemnity in Case of Loss or Foundering of the Ship / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1920
Convention Concerning Employment Promotion and Protection Against Unemployment / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1988
Agreement Regarding Rules for Recognition of Qualifying Periods and the Like in Connection with the Right of Persons Covered by Unemployment Insurance to Unemployment Benefits / Est. 1976
International Association Against Unemployment / Zhukovskiy, Russia
Centre européen de transition à une vie active / Hornu, Belgium / Est. 1986
Etudes et chantiers / Paris, France / Est. 1962
European Association of Outplacement
Nordic Meeting on Unemployment Benefits
European Alliance on Skills for Employability

View all profiles (31 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Unemployment

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Elimination of jobs by automation
Long-term unemployment
Seasonal unemployment
Deficient local structures for the unemployed
Unemployment of educated older people
Youth unemployment
Evasion of work
Redundancy of workers
Disguised unemployment
Denial of right to economic security during periods of unemployment
Underutilization of labour force
Female unemployment
Unchecked poverty cycle
Unemployed older people
Stigma of unemployment
Inappropriate employment incentives
Underuse of high productivity methods of agricultural management
Voluntary unemployment
Rural unemployment

Action Strategies relating to Unemployment

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Converting outmoded public buildings
Mitigating social consequences of structural adjustment programmes
Monitoring employment
Providing unemployment benefit
Protecting workers in redundancy situations
Creating unemployment models
Creating youth employment
Reducing military capability
Reducing underemployment
Reducing urban unemployment
Reducing rural unemployment
Reducing number of educated unemployed
Reducing disguised unemployment
Reducing exploitation of the unemployed
Reducing crimes committed during high unemployment
Reducing disparities in unemployment within countries
Concealing information on the extent of unemployment
Studying crimes committed during high unemployment
Providing local structures for the unemployed
Using unemployment
Using underemployment
Supporting unemployed workers
Favouring disparities in unemployment within countries
Combatting long term unemployment
Networking unemployed

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