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Society → Men

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 5: Gender Equality

Organizations relating to Men

Professional Squash Association / Leeds, UK / Est. 1973
Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Aging Male / Subang Jaya, Malaysia / Est. 2001
European Amateur Gentlemen Drivers Federation / Manacor, Spain / Est. 1954
Africa Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1977
Critical Research on Men in Europe
Men's International Peace Exchange / Brookhaven PA, USA / Est. 1992
Naz Foundation International / London, UK
Men for Missions International / Greenwood IN, USA / Est. 1954
International Committee of Ex-Service Men / Est. 1936
International Working Men's Association, 1864 / Est. 1864
Pan American Union of Baptist Men / Est. 1968
Universal Union of Esperantist Men of Letters / Est. 1911
International Commission for Peace in the Minds of Men / Paris, France / Est. 1980
International Catholic Union for the Study of the Rights of Men according to Christian Principles / Est. 1912
International Working Men's Association, 1923 / Est. 1923
Latin American Society for the Study of the Aging Male / Mexico City, Mexico
International Federation of Christian Trades Unions of Railway and Tramway Men / Est. 1921
International Association for Studies of Men / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1993
Convention Concerning Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment for Men and Women Workers: Workers with Family Responsibilities / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1981
Church of God - Men International / Clayton OH, USA / Est. 1946
European Men's Health Development Foundation / Est. 2000
International Dull Men's Club / Sausalito CA, USA / Est. 1980
Europese Faculteit voor Mens en Gemeenschap, Ontmoetingscentrum voor Volwassenen-Vorming
European Men's Movement / Est. 1984
Men International / Palm Harbor FL, USA / Est. 1977
Railway Men's International Benevolent Industrial Association
International Association of Black and White Men Together: a Gay Multiracial Organization / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1981
Round Table Central Africa / Est. 1952
Muslim Young Men Association / Est. 1927
European Forum of Christian Men / Kassel, Germany
World Organization to Restore Male Supremacy
Grande loge symbolique masculine d'Afrique
Society for the Protection of East Asians' Human Rights / New York NY, USA
International Consortium for Male Contraception / Paris, France / Est. 2013
Male Contraceptive Initiative / Raleigh NC, USA / Est. 2013
International Conference on Men and Equal Opportunities
Men in Movement / Est. 2015
International Society for the Study of the Aging Male / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1997
World Fellowship of Methodist and Uniting Church Men / Lake Junaluska NC, USA / Est. 2001
Brothers to All Men / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1964
Islands of Southeast Asian Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 2009
MenEngage Alliance / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2004
European Network for Profeminist Men
ATP Tour / Wimbledon, UK / Est. 1990
Men's International Professional Tennis Council / Est. 1974
World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations / Vernier, Switzerland / Est. 1855
UNUM OMNES International Council of Catholic Men / Vatican City, Vatican / Est. 1948
European Academy of Andrology / Budapest, Hungary / Est. 1992
International Society of Andrology / Münster, Germany / Est. 1981
Nordic Association for Research on Men and Masculinities / Oslo, Norway / Est. 2009

View all profiles (72 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Men

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Gender stereotyping of employment
Routine sexual mutilation of males
Misuse of spiritual authority for sexual purposes
Lack of male libido
Male bias of medicine
Sexual harassment by women
Sexual harassment by men
Abuse of women by male athletes
Sexual exploitation of men
Unequal distribution of old age pensions between men and women
Inequality of life expectancy by gender
Discrimination against women executives
Male prostitution
Male bias of law
Gender inequality
Discrimination against men
Male domination
Sexual abuse by women

Action Strategies relating to Men

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Sensitizing men to gender issues
Improving literacy for women
Empowering men
Countering sexual exploitation of men
Sharing family responsibilities
Preferring male progeny
Securing equality of opportunity for males and females
Using communications media to promote equality between women and men
Reducing literacy gap between men and women
Reducing health risk of menopause
Supporting men
Exhibiting masculine categories of thought
Researching men and families
Screening male infertility
Mobilizing both men and women in public awareness programmes for sustainable development
Sharing household tasks equally among men and women
Desexing domestic animals
Researching men
Defining male role in marriage
Redefining masculinity
Using patriarchal system
Restricting male homosexuality in the armed forces
Researching male sexuality
Researching causes of male sterility

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