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Hydrology → Rivers and Lakes

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 14: Life Below Water

Organizations relating to Rivers and Lakes

Internationale Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee / Augsburg, Germany / Est. 1960
Internationale Regierungskommission Alpenrhein / Sils im Domleschg, Switzerland / Est. 1995
Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1972
Comisión Trinacional para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Rio Pilcomayo / Asunción, Paraguay / Est. 1995
World Glacier Monitoring Service / Zurich, Switzerland / Est. 1967
Lake Constance International / Rorschach, Switzerland / Est. 1908
Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network / Madison WI, USA
Agence de l'eau Rhin-Meuse / Moulins-lès-Metz, France / Est. 1964
International Scientific Forum 'Danube - River of Cooperation' / Belgrade, Serbia / Est. 1989
Land O'Lakes International Development / Shoreview MN, USA / Est. 1981
Volta River Authority / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1961
South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People / Delhi, India / Est. 1998
Mission d'aménagement du fleuve Sénégal / Est. 1934
East African Communities' Organization for Management of Lake Victoria / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 1998
River Basin Initiative / Petaling Jaya, Malaysia / Est. 2000
International Campaign to Save Lake Chad / Est. 1994
International Commission for the Protection of the Saar / Est. 1963
Lakes Tanganyika and Kivu Basin Commission / Est. 1975
International Commission of Glaciers / Est. 1894
Rivers of the World / Dawsonville GA, USA / Est. 1995
Big Rivers Association
International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes / Beijing, China
I.S. Rivers
Convention Regulating the Withdrawal of Water from Lake Constance / Est. 1966
Scheldeverdrag, 2002 / Est. 2002
Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River / Est. 1994
Protocol on Shared Watercourse Systems in the Southern African Development Community Region / Est. 1995
Treaty Concerning the Regulation of Salmon Fishery in the Rhine River Basin / Est. 1995
Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses / Est. 2000
Agreement on the Preparation of a Tripartite Environmental Management Programme for Lake Victoria / Est. 1994
Agreement Concerning the Regulations of Lake Inari by Means of the Kaitakoski Hydro - Electric Power Station and Dam / Est. 1959
Agreement on Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin / Est. 1995
Convention Concerning Navigation on Lake Constance / Est. 1973
Convention Relative à la Collecte, au Dépôt et à la Réception des Déchets Survenant en Navigation Rhenane et Intérieure / Est. 1996
Agreement on the Action Plan for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Common Zambezi River System / Est. 1987
Instituto para la Interconexión Fluvial Suramericana
River Basin Information System / Nairobi, Kenya
Environmental Programme for the Danube River Basin / Est. 1991
Onchocerciasis Fund / Est. 1979
Danube Programme Coordination Unit
LakeNet / Annapolis MD, USA / Est. 1978
Columbia River Treaty Organization / Vancouver BC, Canada / Est. 1961
Centro Ambiental para la Cuenca del Plata / Est. 1990
Centre régional de documentation des Etats riverains du fleuve Sénégal
South Asia Network for River Basin Organizations / Colombo, Sri Lanka
Africa Inland Church / Est. 1975
Southern African Permafrost Group / Pretoria, South Africa / Est. 1992
River Niger Basin Development Fund / Niamey, Niger / Est. 1980
Association internationale contre l'insalubrité des fleuves, du sol et de l'air
Gestion du réseau des grands fleuves africains

View all profiles (148 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Rivers and Lakes

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Fly-infested rivers and streams
Uncoordinated international river basin development
Conflicting claims to shared inland water resources
Logjams in rivers
Pond pollution
Threatened littoral habitats of freshwater lakes
Threatened species of Emydidae
Reduction of glacier size
Hazardous glaciers
Scrub typhus
River pollution
Uncontrolled river erosion
Threatened lake habitats
Threatened permanent brackish lake habitats
Threatened permanent freshwater lake habitats
Lake shoreline damage
Threatened habitats of wastewater treatment areas
Salvinia auriculata
Oxygen depletion in inland water bodies
Pollution of inland waters
Silting of water systems
Water flow obstructions in watercourses
Riverine floods
Abnormal blood fats

Action Strategies relating to Rivers and Lakes

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Opposing development of rivers
Managing degraded river basins
Controlling river blindness
Ensuring primary treatment of municipal sewage discharged to rivers and seas
Assessing hydrobiology and environmental requirements of inland fish species
Increasing cooperation of riparian countries for assessing transboundary water resources
Controlling water quality for inland fisheries
Improving land use practices to prevent silting of lakes
Improving fish yields in inland waters using environmentally sound management methods
Preventing pollution in fish ponds
Preventing pond pollution
Restoring lakes
Protecting freshwater fish species
Conserving pond biodiversity
Integrating wetlands biodiversity conservation into river basin management
Constructive resistance
Creating watercourses
Restoring river ecosystems
Erecting pond retaining wall
Educating in flood and river control
Restocking local fish ponds
Erecting adequate stream crossings
Coordinating international river basin development
Improving waterways
Constructing fish producing ponds

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