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Oceanography → Marine

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 14: Life Below Water


Marine is an adjective meaning of or pertaining to the sea or ocean.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Marine

European Society for Marine Biotechnology / Kiel, Germany / Est. 1995
South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation / Wellington, New Zealand
Ocean Sanctuary Alliance / New York NY, USA
Marine Aquarium Council
International Marine Certification Institute / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992
Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology / Ravenna, Italy / Est. 1999
International Committee for Marine Conservation / Hochheim am Main, Germany / Est. 1997
Programme régional de Conservation de la zone Côtière et Marine en Afrique de l'Ouest / Nouakchott, Mauritania
International Marine Biotechnology Association / Baltimore MD, USA / Est. 1989
Nordic Marine Academy / Est. 2005
Action Plan for Protection, Development and Management of the Marine Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region / Busan, Korea Rep / Est. 1991
Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas in the South East Pacific / Guayaquil, Ecuador / Est. 1981
Earthrace Conservation / Whangarei, New Zealand
Third Millennium Foundation / Paciano, Italy / Est. 1987
SHARKPROJECT International / Heusenstamm, Germany / Est. 2002
Fondation internationale du Banc d'Arguin / Arles, France / Est. 1986
Japan International Marine Science and Technology Federation / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1987
Pacific Whale Foundation / Wailuku HI, USA / Est. 1980
International Marine Minerals Society / St Petersburg FL, USA / Est. 1987
International Marine Animal Trainers Association / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1972
Caribbean Marine Protected Areas Management Network / Marathon FL, USA / Est. 1997
Fondazione Mediterranea / Ragusa, Italy / Est. 1985
Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas / Mill Valley CA, USA / Est. 1985
West African Association for Marine Environment / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 1995
International Marine Centre / Oristano, Italy / Est. 1988
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / Hobart TAS, Australia / Est. 2010
Centre d'Etudes et de Sauvegarde des Tortues Marines de Méditerranée / Le Grau-du-Roi, France / Est. 2003
African Marine Waste Network / Port Elizabeth, South Africa / Est. 2016
Marine Connection / Cawdor, UK / Est. 1997
Association of Experts Dealing with the Protection and Enhancement of the Marine and Coastal Environment
Joint Commission of the Socialist Countries on Cooperation in the Field of Fisheries / Est. 1963
Nordisk Skeppsteknisk Samarbetskommittén
Marine Environmental Data Information Referral System / Paris, France / Est. 1979
International Mercantile Marine Officers' Association / Est. 1925
Asociación de Especialistas Latinoamericanos en Ciencias del Mar / Est. 1977
East African Marine Fisheries Research Organization / Est. 1951
International Council for United Services to Seamen / Est. 1970
Union sanitaire universelle - Conseil sanitaire maritime et quarantenaire d'Egypte / Est. 1881
European Union Recreational Marine Industry Group / Est. 2003
CRISTAL / Est. 1971
International Association of Marine Radio Interests / Est. 1935
European Federation of Marine Science and Technology Societies / Est. 1998
Réserve internationale maritime en méditerranée occidentale / Antibes, France / Est. 1992
International Pacific Marine Educators Network / Est. 2007
MarAlliance / Est. 2014
European Community on Protection of Marine Life / Espenau, Germany / Est. 2002
WMO Applications of Meteorology Programme / Geneva, Switzerland
Marine Environmental Research Institute / Blue Hill ME, USA / Est. 1990
North Sea Conference / Stockholm, Sweden
Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Conservation Measures for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic Coast of Africa / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1999

View all profiles (305 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Marine

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Marine pollution
Vulnerability of marine environment to catastrophic warfare damage
Marine dumping of wastes
Radioactive contamination of the marine environment and of fisheries products
Corrosion of ships
Marine oxygen deficiency
Threatened marine or estuarine habitats with rooted vascular beds
Toxic anti-fouling agents
Accumulation of pollutants in marine wildlife
Vulnerability of marine ecosystems
Military use of animals
Poisonous algae
Threatened marine coastal habitats
Environmental impacts of shipping
Plastic pollution of coastal zones
Inadequate marine services
Marine accidents
Non-epidemic typhus
Threatened species of marine mammals
Hunting of marine animals
Lack of coastal development
Environmental hazards from fishing industry
Overpopulation of shipping vessels

Action Strategies relating to Marine

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Cleaning up marine pollution
Undertaking environmental impact assessment of major coastal and marine area projects
Educating marine science
Reducing marine pollution
Reducing discharges of dangerous synthetic organic compounds to the marine environment
Conserving global marine biological diversity
Studying marine pollution
Developing human resources for management of marine and coastal areas
Expanding recreational and tourist activities based on marine living resources
Creating global profile of marine pollution
Respecting marine commons
Improving data collection on conservation of marine living resources
Preparing contingency plans for marine disasters
Monitoring marine pollution from ships
Improving national capacity to monitor marine living resources
Assisting coastal and island states to expand marine research capabilities
Increasing information exchange on marine and coastal issues
Expanding marine science education in developing countries
Strengthening local understanding and sustainable use of marine living resources
Assessing regularly the coastal and marine environment
Increasing efficient use of marine living resources for food
Increasing marine living resources for food
Strengthening international coordination on marine management
Protecting marine animals
Assisting developing countries' ocean fisheries

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