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Organizations relating to Chemicals

Pacific Rim Consortium in Energy, Combustion, and the Environment / Est. 1992
Asia-Pacific Association of Chemical Ecologists / Otsu, Japan / Est. 1997
Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia / Pathum Thani, Thailand / Est. 2001
Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1975
Société Francophone d'Etude et de Recherche sur les Eléments Toxiques et Essentiels / Lyon, France
International Bitumen Emulsion Federation / Paris, France
Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquimica / Araraquara, Brazil / Est. 1990
European Food Emulsifier Manufacturers' Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1973
International Association of Chemical and Allied Industries Workers' Trade Unions / Moscow, Russia
International Society for Trace Element Research in Humans / Bronx NY, USA / Est. 1984
International Council on Amino Acid Science / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 2000
PCIC Europe / Nürburg, Germany
Asian Chemical Editorial Society / Est. 2005
European Integrated Center for the Development of new Metallic Alloys and Compounds / Leuven, Belgium
Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1995
European Committee for Process Equipment and Plant Manufacturers / Frankfurt-Main, Germany / Est. 1965
Euro Chlor / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1989
Australia Group / Barton ACT, Australia / Est. 1984
ASEAN Chemical Industries Council
United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1953
Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates Producers Association / Brussels, Belgium
Europt(r)ode / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1991
International Institute of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Asian-Pacific Chemical Education Network
International Network for Acid Prevention / Salt Lake City UT, USA / Est. 1998
European Biomass Combustion Network / Enschede, Netherlands / Est. 2005
Worldwide Coal Combustion Products Network / Aurora CO, USA / Est. 1998
Japan Association for International Chemical Information / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1971
International Chemical Workers Union Council / Akron OH, USA / Est. 1944
International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering / Prague, Czechia
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences / Karachi, Pakistan
International Waterlogging and Salinity Research Institute / Lahore, Pakistan / Est. 1986
Trace Element - Institute for UNESCO / Valence, France / Est. 1996
Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association / Glen Ellyn IL, USA
Nordic Trace Element Society / Oslo, Norway
Arab Federation of Chemical and Petrochemical Industries / Est. 1998
Arab Federation of Petroleum, Miners, Metal, Chemical and Allied Industries Workers / Tripoli, Libya / Est. 1961
International Society of Amino Acid Research / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1989
International Commission on Chemical Crop Protection / Est. 1952
International Organization for Cooperation in Small Volume Chemicals Production / Est. 1969
International Association for Pain and Chemical Dependency / Est. 2004
European Centre of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations / Est. 1959
Association internationale d'expertise chimique
World Federation of Energy, Chemical and Various Industry Workers' Unions
International Society for Biochemical Systematics / Est. 1993
Chemical Industry Association for Scientific Understanding
Joint European Trade Association for Combustion Equipment
International Commission for the Chemical Study of the Soil / Est. 1910
Centre de documentation sur la guerre aérochimique / Est. 1928
North American Council of Chemical Associations / Arlington VA, USA

View all profiles (283 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Chemicals

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Chemical burns
Drug dependence
Chemical pollutants of the environment
Inhaling of solvents and anaesthetic drugs
Chemical warfare
Carcinogenic chemical and physical agents
Nitrogen compounds as water pollutants
Threatened peatland habitats
Intensive farming
Environmental hazards of pesticides
Hormone pollution
Acidic precipitation
Mutagenic chemicals
Simple goitre
Overuse of chemicals to control pests
Chemical torture
Conflicting standards for protection against chemical occupational hazards
Trace element imbalance in the human body
Trade in products for chemical warfare
Inappropriate agricultural subsidies for chemicalized farming
Misuse of agricultural chemicals
Alkaline soil
Acidic soils
Threatened permanent brackish lake habitats
Chemical trespass

Action Strategies relating to Chemicals

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Strengthening capabilities for dealing with chemical accidents
Preventing chemical accidents
Monitoring chemical industry
Campaigning against the use of pesticides
Applying environmental chemistry
Reducing discharges of dangerous synthetic organic compounds to the marine environment
Reducing acid rain
Increasing energy intensity
Controlling chemicals
Strengthening network of national information exchange centres on chemicals
Improving wood preservatives to protect the environment
Reducing water pollution by organotin compounds used in anti-fouling paints
Controlling agricultural chemicals
Supporting regional transfer of chemical safety information
Identifying oil and chemical spill control measures for emergencies in developing countries
Strengthening national laws on chemical safety
Establishing chemical risk reduction programmes
Eliminate discharges of dangerous organohalogen compounds to the marine environment
Establishing training programmes on oil and chemical spill responses
Minimizing use of harmful chemicals
Protecting children from toxic compounds
Providing public information on chemical safety
Increasing chemical risk research by industry in developed countries
Coordinating chemical risk reduction programmes
Securing chemical data from industry for assessing potential risks

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