

Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Its subject matter includes the behavior of humans and nonhumans, both conscious and unconscious phenomena, and mental processes such as thoughts, feelings, and motives. Psychology is an academic discipline of immense scope, crossing the boundaries between the natural and social sciences. Biological psychologists seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, linking the discipline to neuroscience. As social scientists, psychologists aim to understand the behavior of individuals and groups.

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Organizations relating to Psychology

International Society for Psychophysics / Darmstadt, Germany / Est. 1985
International Confederation for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology / Beersheba, Israel / Est. 2009
International Association of Process Oriented Psychology / Portland OR, USA
European Personal Construct Association / Hatfield, UK / Est. 1990
European Association of Psychological Assessment / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1990
ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies
Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging / Seongnam, Korea Rep / Est. 2006
Augmented Cognition International Society / Washington DC, USA
European Brain and Behaviour Society / Athens, Greece / Est. 1968
Cognitive Science Society / Seattle WA, USA / Est. 1979
International Association for Cognitive Science / Yongin, Korea Rep
European Association for Psychological Type / Bornem, Belgium / Est. 2005
Unión Latinoamericana de Entidades de Psicologia / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 2002
International Society for Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority / Edmonton AB, Canada
Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition / Umeå, Sweden / Est. 2009
International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1952
International Association of Jaspers Societies / Mainz, Germany / Est. 2001
Asociación Latinoamericana de Rorschach / Buenos Aires, Argentina
European Sensory Network / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1989
International Congresses on Thermal Stresses / Lexington KY, USA
European Mathematical Psychology Group / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1971
European Forum of Psychomotricity / Est. 1996
CHEIRON - The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences / Akron OH, USA / Est. 1968
Association Internationale de Psychomécanique du Langage
European Institute for Intervention and Research on Burn Out / Brussels, Belgium
European Network for Social Intelligence
Nordic Critical Psychology Network / Oslo, Norway
John E Mack Institute / Boulder CO, USA / Est. 1983
Athena Intelligence / Granada, Spain
International Humanistic Psychology Association / Climax MI, USA
Associazione Internazionale di Ontopsicologia / Rome, Italy / Est. 1972
Institut de neurosciences cognitives de la méditerranée / Bron, France / Est. 2004
Psychologists for Peace / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1984
Art of Living Foundation / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1982
International Society of Depth Psychology / Munich, Germany / Est. 1949
Western Pacific Association for Transactional Analysis / Perth WA, Australia / Est. 1982
Samaritans / Ewell, UK / Est. 1953
Institut international de l'image et du son / Elancourt, France / Est. 1988
Pacific Path Institute / Montréal QC, Canada
Australasian Personal Construct Group / Callaghan NSW, Australia
International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy / Cleveland OH, USA
Radiant Earth Foundation / Washington DC, USA
David Lynch Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 2005
International Society for Group Theory in Cognitive Science / New Brunswick NJ, USA
Latin American Transactional Analysis Association / Salvador, Brazil / Est. 1975
European Federation of Psychoanalytic Self-Psychology / Munich, Germany / Est. 1997
Association de psychologie scientifique de langue française / Bron, France / Est. 1950
Nordisk Etologisk Förening / Est. 1982
International Association of Conferences on Psychotechnics / Est. 1920
European Psycholinguistics Association

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