

Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits and manifests in various forms. Formal education occurs within a structured institutional framework, such as public schools, following a curriculum. Non-formal education also follows a structured approach but occurs outside the formal schooling system, while informal education entails unstructured learning through daily experiences. Formal and non-formal education are categorized into levels, including early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education. Other classifications focus on teaching methods, such as teacher-centered and student-centered education, and on subjects, such as science education, language education, and physical education. Additionally, the term "education" can denote the mental states and qualities of educated individuals and the academic field studying educational phenomena.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Second Level Subjects

Vocational Guidance
Further Education
Physical Education
Primary Schooling
Secondary and Higher Education
Distance Education
Educational Content
Educational Level

Organizations relating to Education

Association mondiale des sciences de l'éducation / Reims, France / Est. 1953
World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education / Ellendale ND, USA / Est. 2009
International Society for Engineering Pedagogy / Villach, Austria / Est. 1972
International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine / Est. 1959
Network of International Education Associations / Tucson AZ, USA
International Centre for Innovation in Education / Ulm, Germany / Est. 2005
WorldCALL / Valencia, Spain
International Association for the Psychology of Language Learning / Sydney NS, Canada / Est. 2013
Association for Engineering Education in Southeast Asia and the Pacific / Beijing, China / Est. 1973
European International Business Academy / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1974
Pan African Society for Musical Arts Education / Clubview, South Africa / Est. 2000
International Organisation of Trade Unions of Educational and Scientific Workers / Moscow, Russia
European College of Veterinary Pathologists / Est. 1995
International Academy of Cosmetic Surgery / Est. 1970
Mobile Mediterranean University of Mastology / Ioannina, Greece / Est. 1992
Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2008
Independent Learning Association / Kowloon, Hong Kong
World Association of Special Education
Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education / Akureyri, Iceland / Est. 1997
Mediterranean Society of Ophthalmology / Rome, Italy / Est. 1988
International Academy of Human Reproduction / Kiel, Germany / Est. 1974
Colegio Ibero-Latinoamericano de Dermatologia / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1948
Association francophone internationale de recherche scientifique en éducation / Saint-Senoux, France / Est. 1952
European Marketing Academy / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1975
International Association for Special Education / Milwaukee WI, USA / Est. 1985
European Veterinary Dental College / Sem, Norway / Est. 1998
International Association of Community and Further Education Colleges / Knoxville TN, USA / Est. 1998
European Association for the Teaching of Legal Theory / London, UK / Est. 1989
Asociación Iberoamericana de Instituciones de Enseñanza de la Ingenieria / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1999
European Journalism Training Association / Mechelen, Belgium / Est. 1990
Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education / Est. 2004
European Society for Technology Education / Clamart, France
Asociación de Universidades Privadas de Centroamérica y Panama / San Miguel, El Salvador / Est. 1990
Association internationale des étudiants cavaliers / Est. 1984
International Academy of Sex Research / Valhalla NY, USA / Est. 1974
European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery / Est. 1996
International Society for Intermedial Studies / Est. 1996
InterAmerican Network of Academies of Science / Tlalpan, Mexico / Est. 2004
Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1951
Arab Network for Civic Education / Amman, Jordan / Est. 2009
Red Iberoamericana Ministerial de Aprendizaje e Investigación en Salud / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 2005
Confederación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones Científicas y Académicas de la Comunicación / Est. 2009
Sociedade de Filosofia da Educação de Lingua Portuguesa / Porto, Portugal
European Academy of Optometry and Optics / London, UK
International Consortium for Universities of Education in East Asia / Tokyo, Japan
Eurasian Universities Union / Istanbul, Türkiye / Est. 2008
PacCALL / Semenyih, Malaysia
Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofia de la Educación / Est. 2010
UNESCO Office, Jakarta - Regional Bureau for Sciences in Asia and the Pacific / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 1951
Europe de l'enseignement agronomique / Tulln, Austria / Est. 1993

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