Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Goal 16 is about promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity, faith or sexual orientation.

However, ongoing and new violent conflicts around the world are derailing the global path to peace and achievement of Goal 16. Alarmingly, the year 2022 witnessed a more than 50 per cent increase in conflict-related civilian deaths – the first since the adoption of Agenda 2030 – largely due to the war in Ukraine.

High levels of armed violence and insecurity have a destructive impact on a country’s development, while sexual violence, crime, exploitation and torture are prevalent where there is conflict or no rule of law, and countries must take measures to protect those who are most at risk.

Governments, civil society and communities need to work together to find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity. Strengthening the rule of law and promoting human rights is key to this process, as is reducing the flow of illicit arms, combating corruption, and ensuring inclusive participation at all times.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Convention on the Voluntary Recognition of Children Born out of Wedlock

1980 T g

Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States

1965 T g

Convention on Treaties

1928 T g

Convention on Uniformity of Nomenclature for the Classification of Merchandise

1923 T g

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat

Convention on Wetlands 1971 Paris France T g

Convention pour la Promotion et le Développement de L'industrie des Assurances dans les Pays Africains

1990 T g

Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

1930 T g

Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Cheques

1931 T g

Convention Providing a Uniform Law on the Form of an International Will

1973 Rome Italy T g

Convention Regarding Bankruptcy between Nordic States

1933 T g

Convention Regarding Booklets of Travellers' Postal Vouchers in the Relations between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

1937 T g

Convention Regarding Inheritance and the Settlement of the Devolution of Property

1934 T g

Convention Regarding International Exhibitions

1928 T g

Convention Regarding Investments in War-loans

1922 T g

Convention Regarding Mutual Payment of Old-age Pensions

1949 T g

Convention Regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt

1937 T g

Convention Regarding the Measurement and Registration of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation

1956 T g

Convention Regarding the Measurement of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation

1925 T g

Convention Regarding the Organization of the Campaign Against Locusts

1920 T g

Convention Regarding the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments

1932 T g

Convention Regarding the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Criminal Matters

1948 T g

Convention Regulating Provincial, Communal and District Pensions

1923 T g

Convention Regulating Road Transport

1970 T g

Convention Regulating the Withdrawal of Water from Lake Constance

1966 T g

Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

ULFIS 1964 Rome Italy T g

Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods

ULIS 1964 Rome Italy T g

Convention Relating to Changes of Surname and First Name

1958 T g

Convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material

NUCLEAR 1971 London UK T g

Convention Relating to Civil Procedure, 1905

1905 T g

Convention Relating to Civil Procedure, 1954

1954 The Hague Netherlands T g

Convention Relating to Conflicts of Laws with Regard to the Effects of Marriage on the Rights and Duties of the Spouses in Their Personal Relationship and with Regard to Their Estates

1905 T g

Convention Relating to Deprivation of Civil Rights and Similar Measures of Protection

1905 T g

Convention Relating to Registration of Rights in Respect of Vessels under Construction

1967 T g

Convention Relating to Stops on Bearer Securities in International Circulation

1970 Strasbourg France T g

Convention Relating to the Authentication of Certain Deaths

1966 T g

Convention Relating to the Designation of Names in Civil Registration Records

1973 T g

Convention Relating to the Development of Hydraulic Power Affecting More Than One State

1923 T g

Convention Relating to the Establishment of the Maternity of Illegitimate Children

1962 T g

Convention Relating to the International Status of Refugees

1933 T g

Convention Relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels

CLN 1973 T g

Convention Relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa

1919 T g

Convention Relating to the Regime of the Straits

1923 T g

Convention Relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation

1919 T g

Convention Relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes

1934 T g

Convention Relating to the Settlement of Guardianship of Minors

1902 T g

Convention Relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictions as Regards to Divorce and Separation

1902 T g

Convention Relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws Concerning Marriage

1902 T g

Convention Relating to the Settlement of the Conflicts between the Law of Nationality and the Law of Domicile

1955 The Hague Netherlands T g

Convention Relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities

1923 T g

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

1951 T g
