Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Centre commun de recherche (CCR)
Centro Común de Investigación (CCI)
Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle (GFS)
Centro Comum de Investigação (CCI)
Centro Comune de Ricerca (CCR)
Gemeenschappelijk Centrum voor Onderzoek (GCO)
Gemensamma Forskningscentret
Det Faelles Forskningscenter
Koino Kentro Erevnon
Yhteinen Tutkimuskeskus
Airmhean Comhphairteach Taighde
Spolecné Vyzkumné Centrum
Spojené Vyskumné Centrum
Közös Kutatóközpont
Wspólnotowe Centrum Badawcze
Skupni Raziknovalni Center
Teadusuuringute Ühiskeskus
Kopigais Petniecibas centrs
Jungtinis Tyrimu Centras
Ic-Centru Kongunt Ghar-Ricerka
Centrul Comun de Cercetare
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
URL: https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/
URL: https://ec.europa.eu/info/departments/joint-research-centre_en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/european-commission-joint-research-centre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUScienceHub/
1957 Rome Italy
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
As the European Commission's science and knowledge service, support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle.
2025-09-22 | Bilbao, Spain – European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference183 past events available with paid subscription only.
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
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Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Collaborates with: F-XF2419 - European Environment Agency (EEA); F-XD0695 - International Transport Forum (ITF).
Member of: E-XF2724 - Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP); F-XF7131 - Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP).
Cooperates with: E-XE3387 - United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).
Ispra Site of JRC serves as secretariat for: E-XD4726 - European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA).
Links with: D-XD0435 - Council of Europe (CE); E-XE6746 - ESRIN; E-XE4022 - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF); F-XF5227 - European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET); D-XD0868 - European Space Agency (ESA); E-XE7353 - European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC).
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Observer to: E-XE2097 - European Umbrella Organization for Geographical Information (EUROGI).
Is chair of: F-XF6919 - European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL).
In liaison with technical committees of: B-XB2314 - International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Instrumental in setting up: U-XJ1105 - ERAWATCH Network (EWN); H-XD4209 - European Association for Environmental Management Education (EAEME); E-XE0291 - International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM).
Partner of: E-XM2909 - European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA).
Collaboration agreement with: F-XJ4618 - Network of Reference Laboratories for Monitoring of Emerging Environmental Pollutants (NORMAN Network).
Links with:
- F-XD3151 - Association coopérative financière des fonctionnaires internationaux (AMFIE);
- D-XD7393 - European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC);
- D-XD7186 - European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL);
- E-XE2709 - European Global Ocean Observing System (EuroGOOS);
- F-XF6556 - European High Temperature Reactor Technology Network (HTR-TN);
- E-XE2617 - Geographical Information Systems International Group (GISIG);
- F-XF6882 - Integrated Spatial Potential Initiative for Renewables in Europe (INSPIRE);
- U-XE2068 - International Institute of Applied Technologies (IIAT);
- E-XE4158 - International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group (IOCCG);
- E-XJ3105 - International Risk Governance Council (IRGC);
- E-XF0893 - ISRIC - World Soil Information;
- G-XG6783 - Operation USA.
Links indicated by: E-XJ2094 - Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP); E-XE4415 - European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC); D-XD4925 - European Chemical Society (EuCheMS); F-XM2264 - European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN); F-XJ8976 - European Technical Safety Organisations Network (ETSON); F-XJ7957 - Global Young Academy (GYA); F-XM4930 - High Energy Physics Technology Transfer Network (HEPTech); B-XC1890 - International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC); D-XD4460 - Oil Companies' European Association for Environment, Health and Safety in Refining and Distribution (CONCAWE); D-XJ4976 - Tsunami Society International (TS).
- Member of: Eurolib
- Member of: European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA)
- Member of: European Network of Environmental Research Organizations (ENERO)
- Member of: Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH)
- Member of: Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI)
- Member of: Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC)
- Member of: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
- Member of: Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)
- Member of: Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP)
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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