UIA Survey 2024 on International Association Meetings Released

The meetings organized by international associations are many and varied, from world-wide congresses to regional assemblies. The situation is gradually becoming clearer after the impact of the pandemic and the cancellations forced on the sector, but conditions have yet to return to the levels of 2019. The advent and spread of virtual and hybrid formats may make permanent changes to the way conferences are run.

Since 1985 the Union of International Associations has carried out an extensive Survey every few years to chart the way the approach of associations has varied with time: from 2020 these Surveys have been annual. The UIA has now released the report on its 12th Survey of international associations, exploring the evolution of meeting planning.

Public access to the document: https://uia.org/publications/meetings-survey

The UIA, founded in 1907 in Brussels, is the world's oldest and largest source of information on global civil society. UIA collects, hosts and provides up-to-date, reliable information on global civil society and maintains the most comprehensive source of information on international associations, their activities and concerns, and their meetings activities.

For more information, please contact:
Joel Fischer, UIA Statistics Coordinator