ECDN President Dr. Korczak meets Minister Krajniak (Slovakia)
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Dieter Korczak has been coordinating an EU co-financed project in 13 EU Member States since July this year. This project is about setting up debt counselling centres in the countries Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary and Cyprus.
On the occasion of the opening of four new debt counselling centres in Slovakia, he took part in a press conference of the Slovakian Minister of Labour and Social Affairs in Bratislava. He presented the European PEPPI project there.
Dieter Korczak gained a personal impression of the work of the debt counselling centres in Slovakia through visits to Bratislava and Trnava. In each debt counselling centre, clients are assisted by an economist, a lawyer and a psychologist. This comprehensive offer is an impressive unique selling point and exemplary in the EU, Korczak said at the press conference. The 46 debt counselling centres in Slovakia are financed by state and EU funds.
Finally, there was an exchange of ideas with representatives of the Slovak National Bank, the psychologists' association, debt collection companies and an NGO that helps over-indebted Roma.