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From: Miss Annabel White
Subject: 2012 (ICHP) international child health project Conference invitation
Date sent: Fri, 01 Jun 2012
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to invite you on behalf of the international child health project to the international congress against child forced labour and child Exploitation, taking place from July 24th - 27th 2012 in New York. The United States and in Dakar-Senegal, from August 1st - 4th 2012. We are inviting people from various countries around the world.
Today, according to the ILO's most recent estimates, over 132 million boys and girls, aged 5-14 years old, work in agriculture around the world. They are part of an estimated 246 million child labourers globally. Few countries and sectors totally escape this terrible blight in the 21st century.
Child labour can be defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development"
We all have to come together and find solution to combat child forced labour and Exploitation. If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country, you may contact the Conference secretariat, via email: or You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by (Miss Annabel White),who is a member and a staff of the (ICHP) International Child Health Project.
Miss Annabel White