Fraudulent message
Craig Davenport
Dear Sir / Madam,
With every year that passes communication and transport become ever more efficient, effectively making the world we live and work in smaller and smaller. Business co-operating with business across International Borders is now commonplace.
In order to have your Company registered in the World Businesses List 2016/17 Edition, please print and complete the attached PDF document.
Then either scan the completed document and email it as an attachment to as a reply to this email, or alternatively post it to
World Business List,
P.O. Box 34,
3700 AA,
The Netherlands.
or send by Fax to +31 30 310 0125.
Yours faithfully
Craig Davenport
You have received this communication as you are listed as a reputable and successful business in your Country
Craig Davenport
PO Box 34
Zeist Utrecht 3700 AA