List of All UIA Publications

This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.

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UIA Pub Nr Title Year Editor/Author Publisher ISBN/ISSN Additional Information
258 International Congress Science Series - No 12 1984 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 92-8234-1258-X

Title: Transformative Conferencing: problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings concerning social development

238 International Congress Science Series - No 10 1977 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: New Techniques in Congress Organization: international congresses in Asian Pacific region: proceedings of the 6th international congress on congress organization, Kyoto 1-4 Dec 1975

222 International Congress Science Series - No 9 1972 International Association of Conference Translators Union of International Associations

Title: Practical Guide for Users of Conference Language Service, Excluding Interpretation

218 International Congress Science Series - No 8 1971 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: International Organizations and the Budgetary and Economic Aspects of Their Congresses: proceedings of the international congress on congress organization, Barcelona 6-10 May 1970

208 International Congress Science Series - No 7 1967 Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences Union of International Associations Title: The planning of International Medical Meetings. Cited elsewhere as Handbook on the Organization of International Medical Meetings
207 International Congress Science Series - No 6 1967 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Fourth International Congress on Congress Organization: Copenhagen 1966: proceedings: types of international meetings and material arrangement for them: participants and speakers: economic and financial aspects of congresses
200 International Congress Science Series - No 5 1967 G P Speeckaert Union of International Associations Title: The Various Types of International Meetings, Arrangements of Rooms, Equipment and Services
198 International Congress Science Series - No 4 1966 International Association of Conference Interpreters Union of International Associations Title: Practical Guide for Users of Conference Interpreting Services
185 International Congress Science Series - No 3 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of International Congress Organizers and Technicians, Rome 12-15 November 1962: audio-visual equipment, associated exhibitions, public relations
168 International Congress Science Series - No 2 1961 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Congress Organizer's Manual
166 International Congress Science Series - No 1 1960 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: International Congress Organization: Theory and Practice