International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Pre-hospital Stroke Treatment Organization

PRESTO 2016 Minneapolis MN USA C AA3113

PREPSEC International

2001 C v XM0660

Preterm Birth International Collaborative

PREBIC 2003 South Burlington VT USA C XM5153

Professional Squash Association

PSA 1973 Leeds UK C XD6180

Professional Yachting Association

PYA 1991 Antibes France C t XM5838

Progressive Alliance

2013 Berlin Germany C y AA0764

Public Health Palliative Care International

PHPCI 2013 C AA0825

Public Media Alliance

PMA 1945 Norwich UK C y XC0363

Public Relations Organisation International

PROI 1970 Chicago IL USA C XJ1354

Public Research and Regulation Initiative

PRRI 2004 Zwijnaarde Belgium C AA5254

Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute

PVRI 2007 Canterbury UK C XM8081

PUSH! Global Alliance

C y AA1171

Rainforest Alliance

1987 New York NY USA C XG5142

Raising the Floor

RtF 2010 Cointrin Switzerland C AA2108


1972 Selkirk MB Canada C XJ5428

Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association International

RIMA-I 1978 Lenexa KS USA C XJ4953

Reformation Research Consortium

REFORC Harderwijk Netherlands C AA2179

Regional Studies Association

RSA 1965 Brighton UK C XG2421

Regions of Climate Action

R20 2010 Geneva Switzerland C XJ8801

Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores

RCRF 1957 Amersfoort Netherlands C XD3156

Renju International Federation

RIF 1988 C XD5469

Repercussion Group

Newport UK C v AA2974

Research Association on Monetary Innovation and Community and Complementary Currency Systems

RAMICS 2015 Lyon France C AA0093

Research Data Alliance

RDA 2013 Didcot UK C XJ6804

Research Institute for Fragrance Materials

RIFM 1966 Mahwah NJ USA C j AA5461
